fifty five

75 1 0

London Reed
I've been itching my shin and shuddering just thinking about what happened. It was such a brutal way of dying, and even though he tried to assault me, he didn't deserve it. That could just be me and saying that and ignoring the fact he tried to touch me without permission. But I'm not like that, I'm a forgiving person, and he didn't deserve it. And I feel bad for him even though he's dead. Any normal person would tell me that I'm being stupid considering he tried to hurt me.

Louis ran me a bath that was full of bubbles but I hugged my knees, and I stared at the bubbles popping or disappearing into the water. My skin was drying from the cool air and my skin felt warm. But being on my period, this really helped with everything.

I hear Louis walking past which makes me turn my head. "Louis!" I call, softly and he was half opening his door. He walks over here and peels the door open but doesn't look in.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Can you stay in here with me?" I ask, hugging my knees tighter.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Can you please?" I ask softly yet again and he slides his way in. This is the first time in my life when I don't care if he sees me naked. He was only in sweatpants like always, but it looked like he had been working out.

"I was just about to have a shower," he undoes his sweatpants and I just smile softly. I hug my knees with one arm and I trace the water. "You want be to be in front or behind?" he asks, finally not making a sexual joke today.

"Back," I whisper. I shuffle forward and he slowly gets in, putting his knees on the side of the tub. I wait for him to get comfortable, and he holds my sides, slowly pulling me into him. I rest against his chest and the water was now up to my chest, I continue to have my legs curled into me.

"What's on your mind?" he whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

"What happened today...I can't stop thinking about it," I shake my head. He breathes out theoigh his nose.

"Try to stop, I know you're uptight about his death but I'm sure he deserved it,"

"But I'm sure he was expecting a baby with his girl because they were looking at pregnancy tests,"

"Good for her. After what happened to you, do you really think she wanted to have sex with that guy?"

"I dunno," I shrug slowly.

"Look, I really don't
care either way but now I know she's pregnant it will be easier to find out who the fuck she is. When someone gets pregnant it's out into files Harrys father has, and my father has access to them,"

"Don't worry about it Louis, he's dead," I shake my head.

"And I don't care," he shakes his head. "He tried to hurt you Lon..he deserves death,"

"He is dead. You're not listening to me,"

"I know he's dead," I roll my eyes. "But..I can get his girl into a lot of trouble,"


"If she doesn't have a guy and she's caught walking around, she'll get killed. And if I'm the guy that catches her—"

"No!" I shake my head, sitting up and looking back at him. "You wouldn't dare kill her!"


"What if she's actually pregnant?"

"Then she'll have the baby and she'll get sent back home,"

"Is that what happens when a girl gets pregnant?" I ask.

"If a girl gets pregnant, the boy and her are stuck together, no arguments. She carries it for nine months and when it's born, if it's a boy, they'll let them look after it until they're old enough to get started with the training. If it's a girl they..."

"They what?"

"They just...nothing, they're careless,"

I shake my head and turn it into Louis' neck. He turns his head a little and he wraps his arms around me again. I breathe out shakily. "See why I put you on birth control?" he said.

I whine, one of his arms wrapping around my knees that were curled into me. "Im so tired," I whine again.

shorter chapter sorry

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