forty six

88 1 0

play this song guys

i also hate this but whatever

London Reed
"London should give you a lap dance,"

When I hear my name, my head shoots upwards, sitting on the floor in front of Louis. "W—What?" I whisper, hearing what they said but shocked they'd even suggest it.

"Guys.." Louis shakes his head. "Stop,"

"Why not?" Harry says, he tucks a bill into the strippers G-string.

"Because, she's not," Louis shakes his head, sitting forward on his knees but tracing my shoulder.

I look up at him and furrow my brows. My immediate thought was he thinks I'm gonna be bad at it, then the fact he doesn't want me to see him and other things fill my head. I didn't even realise the words coming out of my mouth before I said them, I had never actually done this. But I said it anyway.

"Wait, why?" I ask now.

"London, you're not going to give me a lap dance just because they said it," he shakes his head. "You're just not,"

"Why not?"

"Yeah Louis, just let her," Niall chirps, now look ten times happier Hope was out of his arms.

He huffs and runs hands through his hair. "No," he denies.

"Can I try it?" I ask. "How hard can it be, you just..." I look at Harry. "You just roll your hips around and"

"Why though? You would've never said anything if they didn't bring it up, and that's not the point,"

I pout, I wanted to try it suddenly, and he gives me an uncertain look. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have brought it up to get thin excited about the fact it might.

"Okay fine," he slouches down the arm seat a little and I felt nervous suddenly, but I just don't let it get ahead of myself. I stand up and he looks up at me. He spreads his legs open wider, his knees touching the sides of the chair he was sat on. He puts his arms on the top of the chair and smirks at me like he finds this amusing.

I put my hands on his shoulders, putting one of my knees next to his hip, then sitting high on my knees before straddling him on the chair and so felt a million pairs of eyes on me.

"Now would be the time to stop," he says to me but I swallow my nerves and shake my head. "Okay," he shrugs, holding my lower back.

"Has she ever done this before?" I hear someone whisper and another person whisper no back. I hadn't and I just stare at Louis.

"I've been watching girls do it all night," I whisper to him.

"Forget they're there if it helps," his hands finally meet with my hips. "And.." he slides his hands to my ass, pulling me closer to him, but I actually felt him pressing against me which only made me inhale. "Now you're good, I'll actually feel something," he shrugs and I bite my lip cheekily and he smirks softly. "I can't believe you're actually doing this," he shakes his head in disbelief.

I nod and bite my lip, hearing the familiar sound of Earned It by The Weeknd playing and it makes me look at a girl standing near the speaker, winking at me. "Smash it girl,"

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