sixty nine

58 1 0

no smut in this chapter sorry y'all, even though it's chaoter 69😏

London Reed
I woke up today with a silent house and very sore and tender ass cheeks, making me lift my head up, I was naked still and I kicked the covers off my warm body and see it just as red as it was yesterday, a couple of slashes on my ass as well.

I swallow and look at Cherry still sprawled on my bed, and I smile at her. I stand up and look down at my naked self, so I reach into my drawers and pull out black underwear, slowly sliding them up my legs, then walking over to my drawers, pulling out lose shorts and hoodie that was cropped and had the words "over it" on it.

I put them on and rub my eyes, Cherry jumping off the bed, probably needing the bathroom. I think Louis went to work so hopefully I was alone because I don't know if I can face him today. I crack my back and continue to rub my eyes. I open the door and she scurries out the room, the other door was open, the bed was messy like he was tossing and turning all fucking night and the lamp was now on the floor.

I ignore it and see Cherry rush over to the puppy pads and I rub my eyes while walking out to the kitchen to make myself something. "London..." I hear my name softly which makes me look up and I see Louis sitting there, shirtless but this time was in grey sweatpants, looking like he hasn't slept a wink.

I stare at him for a second and decide not to answer yet, opening the fridge. I pull out a juice carton and he sighs softly, getting up from the table. "London..." he repeats softly, touching my arm but I flinch it out of his grip and he goes silent. "Can I see it?"

I just shake my head, not saying a word, I didn't even want to breathe loudly. I pout juice in a small cup and then open the fridge and close it with the juice in there, and I walk over to the cupboard, opening it and taking the Advil tablets out and popping one on my hand, tossing the packet in the cupboard and I toss them back in my mouth, chugging them back with the juice and putting the cup in the sink.

He was still standing there, watching my every move and I lean against the sink, my back to him. "I'm sorry London.." his voice was soft, almost like it cracked mid sentence. I stare out the window, swallowing and I felt my eyes prick with tears. "I knew I shouldn't have..I don't know why I did...and I've never regretted anymore more that that..."

"If I had attempted to kill you..maybe that is line but I didn't do anything bad, Louis," I shakily say, shaking my head slowly, trying to contain myself. "You wanted to do that,"

"You were pushing me," he says but I shake my head and he swallows, I hear it but I refuse to look at him.

"I was asking why you were dancing with Erin like that. And you snapped, and that pissed me off because you didn't have a right to get fucking mad at me for asking a simple question," I shake my head, a tear sliding down my cheek.

"I didn't mean to hurt you.." his voice was shaky, like he was going to cry.

"Well you did," I drop my head, tearing up again. I turn around, keeping my head down and walking past him and he tries to grab my hand to stop me, his voice cracking when he tries to say my name but I shake my head, Cherry running after me as well.

I let her in before I see him, I meet eyes with him for a split second and then I close the door, locking it. "London please," he knocks on the door softly. "I'm sorry.." his voice fully cracks now and it made me frown sadly with tears in my eyes again.

I pick Cherry up and I sniff, trying to contain myself. I've only ever heard Louis cry, once, and I know he hates it. He used to be really cold, something must have softened him up because now he cries when he's emotional.

hostage || l.t ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें