twenty six

121 3 3

Louis Tomlinson
These past few days have been..interesting to say the least. I've been a horny mother fucker like always so I'm always trying to fuck her or just make out with her.

But like, she's so small and I still don't wanna hurt her. And she just lets me do whatever I want to her and I hate it, I need to know if she wants the same because if she doesn't want it then I don't either.

I'm all for consent and if she doesn't give full consent then fuck it, I don't want to do anything with her. She just sits in her room and draws while I work, and I come home and it looks like she hadn't moved at all but she had a bunch more drawings since I last saw her.

But today when I came home, she was sitting on the couch and playing music on the TV and it seemed to be Arctic Monkeys, Favourite Worse Nightmare. She flinched when the door closed and I pad in. "Sorry," I murmur, holding a bunch of things I got her on the way home.

She turns down the music and looks up at me. "What's that?" she looks at what I have.

"I got you somethings," I walk over to the couch and sit next to her but leave a gap so I can put the things down.

"You did?"

"Well, I know you like drawing, so I got you a sketch book," I hand her a pocket size journal and her eyes light up. "And I had to ask about some stupid sketching pencils," I then place down a pack of pencils.

"Thank you," she smiles.

"And one of those special erasers,"

"You got all of that?"

"Well...I can't just have you sitting here, not doing anything all day," I shrug and she smiles up at me and looks into the empty book, flipping through the pages. I look at what she had drawn today and I smile. "These are so good," I whisper. She had drawn an apple with the perfect shape and shadowing it looked so cool.

"Thank you,"

I then pick up another one and see the outside view from her room, including her window and what was out of it. "I can't believe that these look so real," I whisper.

She shrugs. "It takes practise," she then says with a soft smile, picking up all the stationary. "I really appreciate this Louis, it means a lot,"

She unexpectedly wraps her arms around my neck, completely throwing me off guard but I freeze only for a second. I hug her back which was weird because the only ones I have hugged mean something.

I pull away after a while and she does too, smiling. "Thank you,"

I nod. I cup her jaw and because she knows what I'm about to do, she crawls over onto my lap and I spread my knees. She straddles my lap, making me hold her lower back and her hips. She holds the side of my neck, and leans into kiss me.

Her lips press to mine and certainly don't hesitate to kiss her back. She holds our lips together before she starts to move out lips together, our lips smacking. I squeeze her hips and focus of the feeling of her lips.

I didn't know what it was, kissing her was just..amazing. Her lips were so soft, hers just glide over mine like they have a thousand times before which isn't the case. I didn't really like kissing much before I met her.

I swipe my tongue over her lip and she parts her lips, my tongue sliding into her mouth. Our lips continue to smack and my tongue invaded hers, running on the roof of her mouth and over her tongue. I pull away and she parts her lips a little and I lean into kiss her but my tongue goes in first, her perfect lips wrap around my tongue.

She hums into my mouth while clamping her straight teeth on my bottom lip now, pulling it in her teeth which makes me grunt a groan and tighten my grip on her hands. "Fuck sakes," I groan.

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