Chapter 24

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Seulgi's POV
"I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, mom, dad," I informed them after I swallowed the food in my mouth.

We are having dinner now. I looked at my parents, and they looked at me with surprised faces.

"Why?! Are you not feeling well, honey?!" Mom worriedly asked.

I shook my head. "Don't worry, mom. I just wanted to ask my former Doctor because my head has been hurting for the past few weeks now, and I recently found out that I had a girlfriend."

"You don't know you had a girlfriend before, son?" My dad looked surprised.

I nodded, "And you know who told me that?"

"Who?" They both said at the same time.

"My ex," I answered shortly.

"What?! You saw her?! Where?!" My mom bombarded questions.

"Yes, mom. I saw her on our campus. And my ex-girlfriend and the one I like now are just one person."

"Ommo! I thought it was just a coincidence that your ex and the one you like now have the same name!"

"You know my ex's name, mom?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Of course. I asked her name when you told me and your dad that you had a girlfriend. I remember her name even now because my mind is sharp." She bragged. "I was so surprised that time when you said the name of the one you like because her name is the same as your ex's. I thought you were only attracted to that name, but I was wrong." She laughed softly.

I sighed. I really need to visit my former Doctor tomorrow.

Seungwan's POV
"Have you given him a chance now?" I asked Joohyun.

We were in the living room watching movies. Auntie invited me to their house for dinner because she said she missed her favorite man other than her husband.

We talked about random stuff while we were eating, and after that, Joohyun's parents decided to go to sleep because they still had work tomorrow. And Suzy also went to her room because she said she was so tired from studying. On the other hand, I asked Joohyun to watch a movie tonight because I missed bonding with her.

"Who?" She asked.

"Your ex, Seulgi." I chuckled.

I saw in my peripheral vision that she looked at me in surprise, but I was still watching movies with a teasing smile.

"How did you know that he's my ex?!"

"Remember the time when Moonbyul first joined us in the club?" She nodded. "You said that to me at that time, and I bet you don't remember because you were super drunk that night." I laughed.


"Yah! Seungwan-ah! You know what. I want to kill you!" Joohyun drunkenly said to me as I drove her home. She drank too much this time. I wonder why.

I chuckled, "And why would you do that?" I glanced at her, and she was glaring at me.

"Because you forced me to watch your practice! You threatened me that you would tell my parents that I don't support you! And because my parents love you so much, they won't give me an allowance until I watch your practice! Argh! I hate you!"

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