35. Goodbye, my lover - Angel

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Almost everyone approved of his behavior at that point and Angel would never forget the applause he got from the pack when he was lying naked and bleeding on the floor in front of them after having been humiliated and beaten for only a kiss. Tears were glittering in Alejandra's eyes but she did nothing because her awful mate made her feel powerless too using the same method, day after day.

The day he met Michael had been the happiest of his life. Amaru had a meeting in Europe with Erik's pack. Erik was known as the alpha that had done a fair share of morally questionable things. He had fought in the war of the humans, he had killed his father in battle for the leadership of the pack and he was planning to let females be wardens and generals.

Erik's Beta was also terribly handsome. His eyes were such a beautiful color. He had always liked blue eyes, mostly on manly beautiful guys. And there was also something else about that man that Angel couldn't exactly pinpoint at first, but he just couldn't take his eyes off him. To that extent that Amaru must have noticed and that day at the formal dinner with Erik, Michael, and a few wardens of his pack, he just whispered in his ear that after the discussion would be done, he would teach him to behave because he had just brought shame upon his family once again.

Maybe it was the proximity of someone he was attracted to, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Michael when he would hear his screams at night, maybe it was just that he saw a chance in the new environment he was in, far away from home, but Angel stood up shortly before the dinner was over and ran into the woods.

He ran for hours not leaving his beast form, far far away from Amaru so he wouldn't hear him, so he wouldn't hear the alpha command that he would use to hurt and humiliate him in front of everyone again, in front of this other pack and its very controversial but surprisingly liberal alpha and in front of that handsome Beta of his.

When night fell over the Scottish Highlands, Angel decided that he was not going to go back regardless of the consequences. In his mind, he already decided to turn rogue and if Amaru would find and kill him, he was going to accept his fate but never go back.

It happened also, that he passed by a place where that very modern cabin was standing, in the middle of those solitary woods.

A huge golden-brown wolf transited the clearing before his eyes and turned to his human form in front of the door. As his damn luck worked that day, it wasn't any wolf but the very Michael.

The boy knew that it would be sane and advisable to run away but he couldn't, like that day at dinner, he just couldn't take his eyes off him.

Michael sniffed a bit and then turned away from the door and started walking towards him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Like what you see, boy?" he asked smirking. "Turn so I can hear your answer."

Liking was an understatement, Michael was gorgeous and naked and Angel was very, very intimidated. He wasn't tall and broad as Michael, he wasn't courageous or important, he was just a frightened, physically and emotionally scarred, scared boy.

"Do you understand English? Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish. Come on, I will not bite. Unless you want me to, of course," he said in his sharp but clear German accent.

Angel knew there was no going back so he pushed himself to turn and look at Michael without showing how frightened he was. He was unsure what that strange man could do to him but he was certain whatever it was, it couldn't be worse than what Amaru had planned.

"So, do you understand me?"


"There you go. You are Amaru's little brother-in-law," concluded Michael smiling a bit and raising an eyebrow at him. "You didn't answer my other question," continues Michael and his tone was almost teasing.

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