Final Chapter: How A Guardian Was Made...

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Corky:...let's finally show you how it ends...

Deep within a rich and diverse forest. Filled to the brimm with season changing plants and rivers that flowed to a nearby waterfall...was a wooden house...

There wasn't anything really technologically advanced...or even much tech at all...but it had what you would call, a normal classic and homestead feel to it.

A two story shack with a nicely made patio and balcony could be seen from the outside. Though just by one look, one could say that the house looked relatively normal for a wooden shack such as this...but not to an expert...this one was built by hand alone...and the detailing on it was perfect...

Near the house however, a strange large object could be seen with an even larger camo cover over seemed to be a large vehicle...but there was a nicely made stone fireplace just a few feet away from it.

Most importantly, reports of people visit the area to either interview or appreciate those who live in this house. Have describe just by walking around the area, that this was the perfect way to retire a life like a hero...

Inside however...a family was present inside...the ones that lived there of course...they sat near the fireplace as a large fox faunus quietly hummed a was the most he could do with what voice he had left...but in his arms and resting on his legs...were four children...Shell...Vanil...Trake...and lastly, Phee...

All four had reassembling features like the father that held them dear, and the two mothers that sat close on a couch together...simply enjoying watching their love take care of what they all hold dearest.

Shell, and Vanil both had heterochromia eyes, much like their father and Ex crime boss mother Neo. But Vanil inherited her father's fox like faunus traits. While Shell was blessed with her father's strange face marks that resembled the Grimm that had disappeared long ago. Strange enough however, both inherited their mothers strange hair mixture, but in a fashion on black and white.

Trake, and Phee on the other hand came from the same father...but from their retired pro expert hunter mother, Velvet. Trake was blind...but was thankfully gifted with his mother's rabbit like ears, and his father's strange sixth sense along with his body and facial marks. While as for Phee, she was surprisingly mute at birth, but had inherited both her mother's and father's eyes, and her father's faunus traits.

Each child could be described as a mis match of strange and perfect...but in all honesty...both father and mothers couldn't even care...this was the life that they had strived for...and they lived for every small moment such as this...

Though while the children had been resting on their fathers welcoming and warm body. Their father's constant humming of a long forgotten tune from a world far from home, would gently put them to into a daze, and plane of both exhaustion and tiredness.

Then...a small floating robot came into the room...

Chip: Tank?... I think it's time for them to go to bed...

The father looked up to his long time companion and helpful parent touter before looking down and slumping his shoulders out of dissatisfaction...he wanted to keep humming for his kids...

Velvet: it's ok sweety, we'll be waiting in bed for you, ok~

Velevt came up behind her husband before kissing his cheek

Neo: don't take to long know how Vel gets when your late~

Neo came right next to her lover before giving him a gentle embrace. While Velvet gave a playful smack on Neo's arm before both going into quiet fits of laughter.

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