Chapter 4: A Sweet Treat

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Neo pov.

After getting a few more new recruits for the White Fang; I thought I would treat my self to a casual stroll through Menagerie and find an ice cream stand.

I wondered for a while until I saw a group of White Fang beating up a man in what I thought was Atlas armor. I kept seeing him walk around with his band of "fans" constantly throwing things at him.

I almost started feeling bad and wanted to intervene; but before I could even step in. He used the jets in his armor to get away while removing his helmet. His ears popped up from under his hair in a cute fluffy manner, but what caught my attention was the expression on his face

Though he didn't see me, I could see his eyes. He wasn't afraid or annoyed; he was hurt. Not in the "I'm injured" way, but emotionally conflicted within himself.

I watched as he ran away from his now apologetic "fans" which confused me. But he never looked back. I decided to follow out of curiosity.

After tracking him for a while. I thanked how lucky that I had my parasol with me, because it had begun to rain.

Following where the person went I ended up finding him in an ally way. He was kneeling down and looked like he was struggling to breath... Like I was in that damn fire... I walked behind him now out of pity and tried to get his attention.

But not to be rude, I simply covered him from the rain using my parasol.

I watch as he turned his head in a tired manner to meet my eyes. His helmet giving off a glow that seemed to almost calm me. He then stood up.

It was at this point that I had realized that he was built like a mountain. He almost had to lean over to receive my gesture; of me covering him form the rain.

Y/N pov

Y/N: 'who is she?'

So far your experience in this world has been a far cry from how you were living from city.

You have been threatened, beaten, and almost mauled. You were even experiencing a suffocating feeling from sensing the hatred around you.

Now a short mature girl was now in front, covering you from the rain. This could be considered as the first kind gesture you have been shown so far.

You looked up to meet each other's gaze for a moment before realizing that the girl in question was also getting hit be the water.

Reacting quickly you activate your shield into its dome version to cover both you and her at the same time.

She looks at you in astonishment as you smile at her expression from under your helm. Though as you settled your shields power to it's most stable form, you catch the girl shiver a bit.

You get Chip out to help find a solution.

Chip: hmmm... Try summoning your burning maul.

You nod before focusing your light into a seering fire. A burning sensation can be felt across your hand before it quickly became warm with a flash. You open your eyes to see that you were wielding a giant flaming hammer Infront of the female.

You place the hammer upside down as the fire from the head of the hammer rose up to warm the kind girl. The inside of your dome like cover was now warmed up and cozy.

You sit down and watched as the girl took out a small device, before typing rapidly on it. She then turned the screen and showed you what she wrote

???: Thanks, my name is Neo. Who are you guys?

You read what she had written before trying to respond with sign language

Y/N: (sign language) Hello Neo, My name is Tank, and this little light here is Chip.

Chip: Hey, I can understand you too!

Neo looked at you in astonishment before putting her device away and using sign language too.

Neo: (sign language) you know how to speak hands?

You nod and after, Neo looked at you with a smile

Neo: (sign language) where did you learn?

You looked back at your past before coming to a conclusion.

Y/N: (sign language) I learned out of wanting to help kids recover from the battle grounds. Now I "Have to use it"

Chip: me and him ran a lot of rescue missions. Most had kids that lost something. Tank here took it upon himself to help them learn without

Neo looked at you before nodding in understanding

Neo: *points at dome and hammer* (sign language) semblance?

You pause for a moment before nodding. She throws you a thumbs up

Neo: (sign language) your armor... Are you from Atl- *ringing*

You see her stop mid sign before she takes out her device again. She looks at the screen for awhile before looking at you with a nervous expression. She types at her device before showing you

Neo: are you fast by any chance?

She walks to the edge of the ally way and points to the docks; across from the entire town.

The rain had begun to stop, and you couldn't help but feel a smile come across your face.

Neo pov

It all happened so fast

I made a friend: Tank. Tank and I had some shared experience. Roman called me saying that I was going to be late for our leave to Vale. Now Tank was carrying me bride style while in a low hover using the thrusters in his boots to propel us at high speeds.

We gained a couple of confused looks but I didn't care. Cause I got to see something that made my face heat up.

As we got past a few blocks, I looked up to see that Tank's visor was temporarily turned off. I Guess that's what happens when you power those thrusters to their max. But I got to see his eyes again.

He looked so happy. The same eyes that looked so hurt on a nice person's face was now filled with something that I could only describe only describe as hope.

I also looked and saw part of his smile coming up under his helm. After seeing his face, I couldn't help but blush and smile myself.

It took a bit but we finally got to the docks in time

Tank drops me off and I gracefully land in the ship. I look back and watch as Tank did an honorable bow to me.

With his right fist on his chest he bowed and nodded at me before chip came out from behind him.

Chip: Hey Neo! Hope you don't mind but I scanned your communication device! You can message us any time!

I nod before waving them goodbye

Roman: Neo! Where have you been

I turn to see an angry candle light

Roman: so... You gonna tell me what held you up

As we start to leave port, I point at Tank and type something on my scroll

Me: I was making a friend.

Roman looks at me with a shocked, and confused face, before looking at Tank doing a two fingered salute to me and walking away.

Me: 'I hope we meet again soon'

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