chapter 26: Heated Deserts

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Corky: alright, let's do this...this is gonna suck


You stir awake once Chip began making his final landing approach on Beacon's air dock. The sun was beginning it's decent on the horizon as your ship dropped from the clouds.

You felt your ship land before hearing the engines slow down and letting out something close to a sigh of relief. You heard the clicking of a few switches before you seeing chip come into the room you had rested in.

Chip: Hey Tank!

You looked to your friend before giving him a big smile.

Chip: I'll close up, and rest here for the night. Go and get some rest, you still need it

You nodded to your ghost before tapping the nose of the wyvern on your lap. Private let out a small yawn before rolling off of you with a huff.

Chip: I'll see if I can make something for her to sleep on... *Sigh* we still have a lot on our plate, huh?

You sighed along with him before nodding. Though you nodded with something close with pride; knowing that you won't stop till it's done.

Chip: *chuckle* go on guardian, I'll take it from here.

You stood up before walking through the exit of your ship. You tiredly walked and almost limped all the way back to your dorm.

Not only did you fight off an Armada of Grimm. You cleansed them; proceeded to use your gained darkness to completely change your ship; and you fought off Ironwood, his fleet, and his ace team

To say that you were tired would be both a lie, and an understatement. You kept walking until you found your self in the hallways leading to the dorms. Still shaking from both pain and exhaustion, you made your way to the door before knocking.

You faintly heard movements coming from the inside before the door gently opened up

Velvet: hello?- Tank!?

Velvet opened the door with a smile before realizing it was you. You wanted to smile at her but your helmet was still on; it's visor flickering on and off due to Ironwood's combo on you.

You felt yourself fall before being caught in a lean by Velvet, your body almost feeling like a ton of bricks.

Velvet: Neo! Get over here!

You heard velvet shout before hearing light footsteps

Neo: what's- oh my-!

Velvet: help me bring Tank inside.

Both Neo and Velvet came to your sides before helping you into your dorm.

Neo: are you ok!?

Velvet: are you hungry!?

Neo: what happened to you!?

Velvet: why were you gone for so long!?

Their questions were numerous and endless, but all that you cared for was that you were now safe in the arms of those you love.

As you all made your way to the bedroom, they began taking your shattering armor off of you. You were stripped all the way down to your slightly torn pants from Coco's shopping spree. The both slowly removed you helmet to find a teary eyed Guardian.

You lost control of your emotions before falling to your knees. You tried to hold back your tears from something other than yourself, but you didn't hold the strength to hold it in. Velvet and Neo both came down to you before holding your head close to their chests

Remnants Light: A forgotten Guardian (Destiny X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now