Grimm Tidings for Christmas! (this chapter is surprisingly important)

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Corky: hello!! I don't know you, but you slightly know me! You know me as Corky! Its been one hell of a journey with you all, and now we are hitting Christmas with something close to a high-hope let down... Kind sucks I know

I don't want to occupy your time with some sugar coated lines with a bitter sweet release. Though I do want to thank you, and give you my praise if you are watching/reading this.

Just know that "You" made it through this year, and no one can ever take that from you. "You"; a person who is probably experiencing a bad year, or a loss if the family. "You" are the best at who you are, and I would like to give you my appreciation.

Thank you; from little lights to guardians, I wish you a merry Christmas... And an even better new year

Y/N: 'what with all the lights?'

You peak out your dorm window to see snow and lights decorating the school grounds. Turning around, you saw both Velvet and Neo get into some odd clothing before turning to you.

Velvet: Hey Tank, lets go!

Velvet: Hey Tank, lets go!

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Neo: Merry Christmas!

Confused, you only looked at them with a tilted head before they spoke up

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Confused, you only looked at them with a tilted head before they spoke up.

Velvet: u-um...Tank? you know what Christmas is?

You only shrugged before watching them let out a disappointed sigh.

Neo: how is that even possible!- even I know about Christmas!

You looked past during your years in your old world.

Flash back

Osiris: Tank, can you hear us?

Saint-14: Tank my friend! How about we go and celebrate the Dawning with all the others?!

Saint-14 shouted in your comms while you heard Osiris sigh in defeat.

Chip: Sorry guys. We're in the EDZ on patrol

Saint-14: ah, I see! Then let us celebrate even harder next time, eh!?

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