Chapter 18: A Fox's Treat (short tease BTW)

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Corky: sorry for the interruption. Though I have something to say...I am sorry for not including the more artistic and networked people of Wattpad. I would like to include you guys into the mix, while also interacting with you guys! Sooo....

(Please check my conversations you'll find a link there!!!)

There ya go. It took me awhile to make(because I've never done it before), but I finally made a small discord for any new ideas, or just chatting. Just swing by and say hi; and if you have any ideas for a story you want to write, I'll be more than happy to hear it!

As for some of you guys that have been commenting about what Tank's next adventure would be. So far, that list is currently: DxD (you know what it is ya perv), Warframe, Starwars: The Clone Wars, Voltron, and-to my surprise- transformers: Prime.

Welp, that's all I have to say to you guys... Now let's see how Neo and Velvet react to a very huggable and sleeping Tank.


3rd pov

Inside of Tank's dorm, the only thing that could be heard was the soft breathing of Neo, Tank, and Velvet. The first to wake up was Neo. She looked around before realizing the situation she was in it was still late night.

Neo was hugging Tank, with his head dangerously close to her ample chest. She looked over to Velvet to see that she was in the process of waking up. Neo gave velvet a small nudge before Velvet fully woke up. Velvet found herself in the "big spoon" position with Tank's tails around hers

They both looked at the situation that they were in before giving each other a devious smile. After going through the emotional rollercoaster of watching Tank deal with his power, they though it was only best that they sent Tank on an emotional trip of his own.

They both began to remove their clothing, ever so slowly and as seductively as possible. Before leaving themselves in their bras and panties. They both then began to gently remove Tank's shirt before getting into their original sleeping positions. Though Velvet took it one step further but removing her bra, and completely enveloping herself in Tank's tails. Velvet looked up to Neo with a smile before reaching up to pet Tank's ears.

A slow and low purr could be heard from within the pile before Neo had gotten a bit jealous and placed Tank's head closer to her chest. They both looked at each other with a challenging gaze before almost smiling happily at each other. Neo joined in on petting Tank's top ears before they both went back to sleep with the covers over them to keep them warm... Though for them, the warmth coming from Tank was just enough

Time skip early morning

Y/N pov

(Corky: oh, god! I'm sorry fucking sorry Tank!)

As you slowly woke up from your rest with Neo and Velvet. You opened your eyes to see that your face was mere inches from Neo's chest. You recoiled backwards but ended up backing into Velvet. You looked behind your self with the corner of your eye to see Velvet almost fully Naked while being smothered by your tails. Thankfully; because of the way she had your tails and her body positioned, her chest wasn't exposed.

Y/N: 'oh no, oh no, oh no; Elizabeth Bray told me something like this would happen! Why didn't I listen!?'

At this point, you were sent into a full heated blush as your brain went on into a race to find the most respectable way to leave the room. You looked back at Neo before unknowingly taking in the sight before you. Neo had her head over yours, while holding you in a hug. You looked a small way down to see her fancy looking pink bra, along with her pink panties; which were decorated with some beautifully placed lace.

Remnants Light: A forgotten Guardian (Destiny X RWBY)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum