Chapter 22: The Guardian's Challenge

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Y/N pov

After your "test" fight with Cinder. you got up from the floor before the bell rang.

Glynda: you are dismissed. Please remember what you have watched here today. *to you* Tank, are you alright?

you took your helmet off before flashing her a smile. she smiled at you too before quickly going back to her usual serious face. Chip came over to you before giving you a little playful nudge.

Chip: I think you passed her little test~

you looked to chip before giving him a little wink.

Chip: now lets just hope that she will put you as a top priority target...

you nodded with a smile before chip began to remove your armor. you looked to both Mercury and Emerald. they were still slack jawed at the display. you just chuckled silently before waving at them with an innocent smile.

Cinder pov

Me: 'what the hell was that power!?'

I sat down in the locker room while recalling my fight with Tank.

Me: 'I thought he would be weaker!'

no matter how many time I tired to rip open his defense, he only stood taller while pushing me back. I knew I wasn't using my power to its full potential, but I know for a fact that Tank was only getting started with me. 

Salem had told me that Y/N was the perfect warrior during the Great War, but I never would have expected that it would be effective in this age. though as I recalled the fight, I could almost swear that he was smiling through the entire time.

But I couldn't put my finger on the one move that he used. when the ground beneath me turned black, and those arms tried to grab me. they resembled that of a Grimm.

Cinder: 'h-he's a Grimm!'

It would explain his ability to see through Emeralds ability, and his hair and ears turning black; but why wasn't he as savage like the rest of the Grimm. I pondered at the though for a while until Emerald entered the room.

Emerald: C-Cinder, you okay?

I looked up to her with a frustrated expression before looking down.

Emerald: well... Tank is letting me pet him out here...

I looked at her with a confused expression before standing up. Emerald went ahead of me before I exited the locker room behind her. the sight I saw could only be described as...Wholesome.

I saw Tank sitting down cross-legged, in the center of the arena. his eyes were closed but his ears twitched at our sudden entrance. I stopped at the arena's edge before watching Emerald walk up to Tank before leaning over his back, and petting his ears. I felt a little envious before making my way over to Tank myself. As I neared the two, Tank had a comfortable smile on his face.

Emerald pov

Me: 'SO SOFT!~'

My hand glided over Tank's hair and ears. It felt like I was putting my hand on a soft pillow before I felt something wrap behind me. I looked around franticly before finding myself trapped in a flurry of tails and warmth; from my feet, to my hips. I continued to scratch and pet him before eventually find the weak spot behind his ears. My target was clear as I began to focus my efforts on the fluff behind Tanks top ears. he began to nuzzle my hand a bit before the arena was filled with an addicting noise. I felt the top of Tank's head vibrate softly before realizing that the warrior with a golden heart was purring. I got my hand away in shock before Tank shook him self out of what could be described as a trance. his eyes opened up before he looked at me with confused innocent smile before tuning his head to see cinder looking at the both of us.

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