Chapter 17: A Chat Between Immortals

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Corky: before I start this chapter, let me say thank you again

First one, then two, then, three; now we are at 4K. Let's goooooo. Now without further a due, let's begin.


After the ship's doors opened, you looked over your shoulder to see an inpatient Glynda. She was lightly tapping her feet on the ground while her arms were folded.

Ozpin was behind her with his mug in his hand. He one the other hand, had an amused smirk on his face before taking a sip from his mug.

You let go of Neo and Velvet before standing at attention to the two authority figures before.

Glynda: would you like to explain to my why you were not present during school ours?

Chip came over your shoulder

Y/N:...'oh no' *sign language* so so so sorry! I had to deal with a side affect of my ability!

Chip took a second to interpret what you were trying to get across before speaking

Chip: he said that we had to deal with a side affect of his ability.

Glynda: I know what he said

Chip:...*sad voiced* Ok then

Glynda: if you had to deal with this affect during school hours, then you should have contacted me about it. You would've been excused; But you two *points towards Neo*. Miss Neopolitan, you haven't been in class for more than a single days, and you have already missed out on an entire day of school. *Points at Velvet* And as for you Miss Velvet, you are part of our best team. I would've expected more from you.

You watched as both Neo and Velvet looked down in disappointment before you stepped in

Y/N: *Sign language* please forgive them...

Ozpin then decided to step into the conversation.

Ozpin: now now Glynda, didn't you say that you would be lighter on them. Besides, I can tell that they have all grown in someways.

You watched as Glynda let out a sigh before puffing at you and Ozpin.

Glynda: humph, don't expect any favors from me

You hear Ozpin give a nervous laugh before looking towards you. His voice sounded a lot more serious than his usual calm demeanor

Ozpin: now then, how about you explain your absence from the academy. Including your after school "projects" to me in my office. I think I would like hear what you have to say.

You gulped down a knot in your throat before Neo came forth.

Neo: d-don-t h-hurt him... N-ot his... My f-fua-lt.

Both Ozpin and Glynda looked at Neo in surprise before you and Velvet hugged Neo in celebration of her first full sentences.

You looked back at Glynda, who now had a softer expression on her face. Ozpin also had a soft expression at the scene unfolding infront of them. Glynda then decided to make exception for her.

Glynda: Velvet...

Velvet looked over to the professor

Glynda: since you had free time to go with Tank. Perhaps you have enough free time to teach her how to speak properly. This will be your punishment. And Neo, you will attend these lessons as yours... Understood

They both nodded with smiles before going back to hugging each other.

Ozpin: chip, can you escort Both of these students to their dorms?

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