Chapter 23: When Tanks Dance?

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Velvet pov

After me and Neo found Tank laying down on the ground with his Grimm before holding us in his arms. I couldn't help but nuzzle in close while before me and Neo stepped back to show him our dresses.

Neo: what do you think?~

Neo struck an amazing pose while I tried to do the same. Tank eyed us for a moment before going to a conclusion. He picked up his holo speech before "speaking"

Y/N: It's perfect for me... but I think I know might be perfect for you

Me and Neo looked at each other confused before coming to a realization

yes, we did try to fit our dress into what Tank might like. though it wasn't like we didn't like the dresses we had chosen. Tank's hair became dark once more before his tails covered our clothing. I felt a smooth gliding sensation come over my body before feeling new fabric.

Y/N: Perfection...

Tanks voice sounded quite pleased before his tails pulled back.

Like something out of a fairy tale, the clothing we had on was covered by a dark haze before a burst of light came forth to unveil the new loins

Velvets dress

I looked at the dress in awe before spinning a few times with the new dress

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I looked at the dress in awe before spinning a few times with the new dress. The original dress was beautiful but restricting. Though the dress that Tank had gifted me was Beautiful and quite maneuverable, not to mention that the skirt was the perfect length. Admittedly, the last dress was a little to flashy for my taste; though this dress was perfect for me. I looked to tank with a smile before doing a curtsy bow towards him.

I then looked towards Neo and her new dress before eyeing the dress she now had on.

Neo's dress

(Corky: I really tried with these)

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(Corky: I really tried with these)

Neo's dress had the same problem. I knew that she loved having clothing that she could move freely in, though the tailor offered no such option. Instead, she was left with a basic dress with a long skirt that reached below her feet. She wasn't really ecstatic about the choice but she knew that Tank would absolutely love it.

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