Chapter 32: Tank a Moment

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Oobleck: that's the final match of the Loser's bracket folks! This concludes today's scheduled matches!

Port: one more round of applause for our contestants! comeback tomorrow for more!

From under the stadium, you heard the cheers and continued applause from the audience. You walk through your team locker room once more before Chip appeared to your right.

Chip: that was one heck of a match guardian! Bet you had fun with that one!

Your armor was teleported and taken away by your companion. You showed him a smile, and a thankful nod before all that was left on was your casual wear.

Chip: well I'll tell you now then...TAKE A FRICKIN BREAK!!!

You jumped in surprise at the sound of your angry friend.

Chip: you've used up wayyyy too much light; and I can tell that you've used the darkness several times today alone!!!

You squatted low in a fit of shame as Chip's "caring ghost" mode was at its fullest.

Chip: Armor has lost another 18% integrity! Your sword is becoming dull and jagged, and our weapons are screaming for a retune! And don't you dare get me started with "OoOh, BuT i'M FiNE!" Cus I've been checking your vitals!

Your ears hung low as you couldt decide whether to be laughing or being ashamed. Seeing as a small floating drone was officially parenting a god-killing hero.

Chip: Really?- 26 bruises, a cracked rib, sore joints, 13 broken bones, and your left wrist is jacked up! It's like your trying to get yourself hurt!...*sigh*

Chip began to settle a bit as Hex popped out of your tail hairs; shaking at the unknown parental rage that was your very caring ghost.

Chip: ...lay down on the bench please

Standing up quickly, you made your way to the team bench before laying on your back. Though Chip wasn't wrong; you were kinda hurt all over. You just thought you could hold out until tonight.

Chip: On your belly....

Chip's voice was still stern. With a small shiver of fear going down your spine. You twisted you body before laying on your chest and stomach.

Chip: now hold still, this is gonna take a second...

You felt waves of light grace your skin through your cloths before feeling some pain lift from your body.

Chip: *sigh*... Feeling any better?

You strained a nod as a wave of relief struck across your body. The bruises had all but gone, but your joints were still sore.

Chip: *talking to some one* yes.....mhmm...yeah, we are still, no, I just need you guys down here for some help... Alrighty then, I'll leave the door open...*to you* stay there...

You wanted to protest as you tried to get up using your arms for support. Though not only did every joint in your body protest against movement, so did Chip.

Chip: HEY!!!

Chip used his entire small frame to run into your back. Making you lose balance, and fall victim to your fairly fatigued body. Laying back down with a resistant huff, you let out an annoyed sigh.

Chip: don't get smart with me now mister! You can already see that your body is in no shape to move..."yet"

After chips little statement, you heard some people walk into the room.

Chip: ah, Neo, Velvet- your just in time~

Your eyes widened. You knew what was going to happen next.

Neo: what happened?

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