Chapter 2: New Me, New Friends?

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After the heat shield had lowered. You had come to find the ground coming very fast towards you. Reacting quickly, you try to level off your ship to slow down, but gravity was not working in your favor. You continue to pull back on the flight stick to slow your self but your ship doesn't respond until you were mere inches away from the tops of a lush forest.

Never in your life have you ever seen this much green and trees in your life. Though what had caught your eyes was a large settlement near a large body of water. You wanted to land there but an explosion was heard behind your ship. Not even a second later your ship began to violently shake as you tried to pilot over the mountains. The settlement was miles across from them, but getting as close as you could was top priority.

Chip(who is in your helmet) made a quick scan.

Chip: Umm, You can land without our engines... and stabilizers, Right?

You simply shrug before trying to get control of your ship again

Y/N: 'come on old girl'

You managed to get over the mountain, but end up crashing in the forest.

Time skip brought to you by chip Scanning the ship while your under the rubble: few hours later

After a quick heal from your ghost, and a few hours of digging yourself out of the rubble. You find a small clearing that gave you a magnificent view of the land around you. In the distance, you could spot the top of a few buildings far away from you. You continue to stare until your attention was dragged away by Chip.

Chip: welp, we aren't getting off world any time soon. At least not without Amanda. Though I did find something wrong of with our light, and... You

You hear him whisper the last part, and gave him a confused tilt with your head.

Chip: this might sound bad, but I cant seem to be able to feel the light... I don't think I can revive you any more, but I can still grant you your powers.

There was a small pause until Chip sighed and spoke again

Chip: there is also another problem. Because of my limited generated light, I can't heal the injury that is in your throat. The damage is too extensive for me to fix with what light I have left. Lastly... You have ears...

You look at you ghost again before pointing to your ears at the side of your head.

Chip: no no. I mean you have... Fox ears



You try to make sense of what he was talking about until you felt something soft above your head move around your helmet. You place your hands at the top of your helmet in shock

Chip also: and a tail...

You deadpanned at your long time buddy until you inched your gaze towards the fluffy white tail behind you. You start to panic at the new discovery but Chip got your attention again

Y/N: 'how the heck did I not notice that!?'

Chip: Don't freak out! I can use the stealth tech from the war mind to hide that. Though you will still feel it.

You start to ease your breathing as you turn towards your beaten ship.

Chip: we messed her up good this time... She's been through worst though.

You nod before entering the inside, while chip was scanning the local vegetation.

Y/N: 'damn you are a tough cookie'

Though the out side of your ship looked beaten, the inside was almost unchanged. With the exemption of a few thrown items on the floor.

You made your way to your trophy room, only to find it completely empty. Though there was a small uncharged device on the floor. The same device that had taken you to this strange world.

You marvel at it's craftsmanship for a while until Chip scans it.

Chips: this device is a one way ticket to other dimensions... It's only a one time use however... I'm sorry

You tap your ghost on the top lightly before letting out and audible sigh.

Chip: wait... Check your radar! Something is outside, take this

Chip then transmats your sidearm to your holster as you run out of your ship into the open.

You look around until you hear some growling from the tree lines. You spot several pairs of red glowing eyes.

You intently draw your pistol at the unknown life forms until you watched what came out.

A pack of wolves started to make their way out of the forest and into the open. Their fur was black while a dark smoke seemed to come off of them. They also seemed to have an armored like exoskeletons around them; most notably on their face and other vitals.

Though there was something familiar about them.

Y/N: 'darkness?'

Out of instinct, you let your taken powers out a little bit. The pack seemed to have stopped growling at you but still came towards you

Notably, your powers felt different too. They felt as if they were connected to something... Or someone

Holstering your pistol and kneeling at the pack as they came closer. You stick your hand out as they inched even closer to catch a sent off of you.

A few then tackled you while the others howled into the sky as if they had found a lost member of their pack. They began to playfully prance and play around. To which you responded by playing with them and petting them in return

They let you :)

You messed around with your new friends before they all stopped to look in the direction of the town you'd seen. They then began to growl instinctively.

You then start to hear a few distant voices in conversation before getting close enough to make out

???: Okay, it should be over here!

???: Hold up there Velvet *sigh* out of all the missions. We had to go to a recon here?

???: Eh, it's a nice change of pace. What do you think fox?

???: Hmm, it's okay

The voices got closer until you could spot them. You watch as your pack of friends got into position to strike

Sunglasses: hmm? Oh my, do you need help with those?

Big guy: we can handle this

Blind guy: we'll take care of them.

You watch as all sides get into fighting positions. The sunglasses girl bring out an entire Gatling gun from a bag. The big guy drew a giant sword that would make Oryx laugh. The blind guy pulled out a pair of Tonfas. Though the girl behind them readied a photo that turned into the weapon of the girl in sunglasses.

You on the other hand wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible, and protect your new friends in the process.

Thinking fast you decide to put a stop to the fight and summoned your void shield then getting into a defensive stance against the team of strange individuals.

They looked at you with confused expressions but you looked back
At the wolves. You simply gave a grunt at them and they retreated back into the forest. After their getaway, you lower your shield and power before looking back at the aggressors.

Coco: uh, hi there. The names Coco... Why were you protecting those grim?

Knowing you had the in ability to speak. You tried to speak sign language. Though they just looked at you confused.

Chip then decided to speak in your place.

Chip: *to you* I got this

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