Chapter 34: A Dark Days Blessing

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Drifter pov

Me:- wha- who- where in the!?

I blink for only a second before finding my ship orbiting a different planet. Don't know how or when I got here though- since I feel as if I was knocked out when going into that black hole.

Me: Ghost, where the hell are we!?

My ghost appeared over my shoulder.

Ghost: I have a name jack-ass!

Me: FiNe- Jackal, where the hell are we!?

He sighed in disappointment before speaking.

Jackal: well to answer you question, we aren't anywhere recognizable. The planet that we are above right now looks like earth, but...look at the moon...

I raised an eyebrow before looking out a nearby window to see the planet we orbited. Sure enough, the moon was in pieces.

Me: well I'll be a-

All of the sudden, I feel a shiver go along my spine before spinning to see Oryx floating right behind me.

Me: ok, what the hell!?

Oryx looked down at me with something close to surprise at my shouting, and annoyance from ruining the moment.

Oryx: must you shout every time I make my appearance?...

I...I don't know why...but I actually felt sorry...

I scratch the back of my head before letting out a sigh.

Me: look, I still don't trust you.- crap- I don't even know why I'm doing this!? But if what you said about Tank is true. There is no way in hell I'm gonna let him down a second time.

Oryx chuckled at my little rant.

Oryx: you are a loyal friend to him...

I watched as he slowly floated next to me before floating a hand to point down at the planet below.

Oryx: this is the world I sent him to...the place I though he would be the most happy.

I looked down to the planet with him.

Oryx: no light, no darkness. Just the byproduct of hope and sorrow. A place where he could choose both's also his home...

I raised an eyebrow to him.

Oryx: perhaps another time. Besides; that will be his story to tell.

I said nothing, but I turned away to repair what was needed on the ship while the king stood still. Staring off onto the planet below.

Me: do you even know what that place is called?- I almost called it earth earlier.

Oryx looked back with a crooked smile.

Oryx: Remnant...

Y/N pov

The device in your hand was no longer able to operate. Even when you tried to use your darkness; the device only let out dieing chirps and whirls before abruptly stopping.

Was you call for help heeded by the king, or was it placed on deaf ears. You simply couldn't tell...that was what you thought until...

???: *Static*..-hit*****hav--t *****whi***
The comm link you had, begun to connect to something. Or something was connecting to you.

???: *Static* ca-** you****ear me?

The voice was slowly becoming recognizable. A cocky scratchy voice of some one who liked to gamble.

Remnants Light: A forgotten Guardian (Destiny X RWBY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang