14. The Mary Incident

Start from the beginning

James broke into a run , his eyes widened at the sight ,Mary was on ground a cut below her right eyes, her wand a few feet from her discarded on ground. Avery , Snape and Murk were there also Mulciber's wand was pointed at a brown fur cat, it was unconcious, a word was being etched into it's body . 'M U 

"Expelliarmus" shouted James , Mulciber's wand flew and James caught it."You all leave , otherwise the consequences will not be good."

"Playing hero are we Potter ?" asked Snape " But where's your little gang , who's gonna help you?" the other slytherins laughed.

"Hurting animals , attacking an alone girl , this is so low of you Snivellus. Now leave or you all will regret." roared James.

"Oh I am scared Potter " said Avery.

James was outnumbered and Mary was wandless , he looked at Mary who nodded slightly than moved her eyes towards her wand.

"Fumos" he said and then ducked as the slytherins sent spell in his direction.

Mary has moved far from the Slytherin towards James with her wand in her hand.

"Now Leave " barked James.

"You are still outnumbered and do you think this injured Mudblood could fight ?"

"Impedementa " 




"Stop you all " said a voice behind , James looked as Frank arrived , Aditya just behind him , both having wands out. "To McGonagall office all four of you know"

"And what will you do if we deny?" sneered Avery.

"I am a headboy , and you should very well know what I can do ." said Frank.

Murk muttered something and they all left . James ran towards Mary who was having struggle standing at caught her , she broke into sobs.

"What happened Mary?" James asked.

"I....Ivy , he is hurt " said Mary .

" We will take it to hospital wing , Pomfrey will heal her " said James.

"I assume they attacked Mary and her cat ?" asked Frank , James nodded holding Mary in a hug. "Adi you take the cat with you I am going to see McGonagall "

"If you have hurt yourself again Potter by playing quidditch than I recommend you to quit it otherwise I will have to............ Oh Merlin, what happened ?" Madam Pomfrey face was horror-stuck when she saw the cat.

"Slytherin gits" muttered James " Can you cure her?"

"I am not very expert at animals , but yes I can."

"Is he okay?"asked Mary sitting on bed still crying. James sat beside her and rubbed her back to comfort her. 

"It will be alright Mary , don't worry"said James in soft voice suppressing his anger.

"She is alive and out of danger but is deeply hurt." sighed the nurse after 10 minutes.

"What about those cuts  , can you heal it ?" asked Mary pointing at cuts in shape of M U

Pomfrey took a moment her face sad "Patil, go and call Minerva here " the boy nodded and left "It's dark magic dears ,it cant be healed , if more injuries would have done then the cat might have died."

James clutched his fist , anger rising. he was gonna kill Mulciber, but he was distracted when Mary began to cry again.

"It's my fault , they hurt him because I am a Muggle-born , a mudblood ."