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Smokescreen: Would you take a bullet for me?

Bumblebee: ..:yes?:..

*Arcee angrily burst into the room*

Smokescreen: *running away* Great, thanks!


Bumblebee: ..:Why would anyone want to harm Smokescreen?:..

Ratchet : Maybe because they met them?


Smokescreen: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Ratchet way.

Bumblebee: ..:Isn't that the wrong way?:..

Smokescreen: Yes, but it's faster.


Arcee: We're kind of missing something guys.

Bulkhead: Cohesion?

Ratchet: Teamwork?

Smokescreen: A general sense of what we're doing?

Optimus: And Bumblebee is not here.

Bulkhead: Oh, and that, yeah.


Bumblebee: ..:Between Ratchet, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Optimus -- if you had to -- who would you punch?:..

Arcee: No one! They're my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them.

Bumblebee: ..:Smokescreen?:..

Arcee: Yeah, but I don't know why.


Optimus Prime: How would you like your coffee?

Bumblebee: ..:As dark and as bitter as my soul:..

Optimus Prime, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!


Smokescreen: I'm 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.

Ratchet: That's 200%.

Smokescreen: I'm twice the man you'll ever be.


Ratchet, tending to Bumblebee's wounds: How would you rate your pain?

Bumblebee: ..:Zero stars. Would NOT recommend:..


Optimus Prime : What do you have?

Bumblebee: ..:A KNIFE!:..

Optimus Prime : NO!


Bulkhead: A butterfly! Hey, little guy, gal or nonbinary pal!

Optimus: Can a butterfly be nonbinary?

Bulkhead: I mean, maybe? I don't judge.

Smokescreen, staring dreamily out of the window: Ah, have you ever imagine having butterfly wings? Then-

Arcee: Then it would be inconvenient as fuck. Your wings would smack every doorframe and your clothes would have to have holes in the back.

Ratchet: Also, your wing's paper thin, so even a six year old aimed a NERF gun at it would... Yeah...

Bumblebee: *sips coffee* ..:According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a-:..

Smokescreen: No, nononono. You fuckers have already shattered my dream, you don't get the fucking privilege to make that reference.

Optimus: Also, it's about a butterfly, not a bee... Why would you make that reference?

Bulkhead: You clearly have not lived with them long enough.


Bumblebee: ..:If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier:..

Bumblebee: ..:Violently practices:..

Optimus: Violently studies.

Smokescreen: Violently sleeps.

Ratchet: Violently shoots pictures.

Bulkhead: Violently boxes.

Arcee: Violently murders people.

Smokescreen: Violently worries about the previous statement.


Smokescreen: What can I do now that I am 17?

Arcee: Do illegal drugs. 

Bulkhead: Make fun of sixteen year olds. 

Bumblebee: ..:Cry:..



thank you all so much for reading all of these incorrect quotes. :) 

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