Optimus X Ratchet UWU

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:*:this was a request from IORNHIDE4ever :D:*:

Ratchet : Talk dirty to me, baby~
Optimus: The dishes.
Ratchet : Wh-
Optimus: They've been there for 4 days and it's your turn to wash them. You still haven't cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.


Optimus: That was so hot, Ratchet .
Ratchet : I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Optimus: I'm so in love with you.


Optimus: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Ratchet: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Bumblebee : ..:And you just ran away?!:..
Optimus: I didn't expect them to flirt back!


Optimus: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Ratchet a little bit.
Bumblebee , holding Optimus's notepad: ..:You doodled your wedding invitation:..
Optimus: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Bumblebee : ..:My mistake:..


Smokescreen: Why are your tongues purple?
Optimus: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Ratchet: I had a red one.
Smokescreen: oh.
Smokescreen: OH.
Bumblebee :
Bumblebee : ..:You drank eachothers slushies?:..


Ratchet: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Optimus: Um...Neat.
Optimus, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Bumblebee . Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Knockout, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Optimus. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Bumblebee confessed their love for me?
Optimus: Didn't you thank them?
Knockout: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked them.


Ratchet: That's ridiculous, Optimus doesn't have a crush on me.
Bumblebee : ..:Yes they do:...
Smokescreen: Yes they do.
Optimus: Yes I do.


Ratchet: I never said I was gonna get back together with them. But I was thinking, they're in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave them a call?
Smokescreen: No. No, Ratchet, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth. Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost. Number four: Ratchet calls Optimus. Number five: Bumblebee gets eaten by a shark.
Bumblebee : ..:I'm Bumblebee , and I approve the order of that list:...


Optimus: I love you.
Ratchet: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Optimus and Ratchet kiss passionately*
Bumblebee , to Smokescreen: ..:You owe me 20 dollars:..


Ratchet: You know, Knockout gives Bumblebee flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too.
Optimus: Okay.
Optimus: *gives Bumblebee flowers*
Bumblebee : ..:???:..
Optimus: I don't know, I'm confused as well.


Bumblebee : Do you love Optimus?
Ratchet: Yeah, I do.
Bumblebee : ..:Smokescreen! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!:..
Smokescreen: We all love Optimus. You should've asked if they were IN love with them.
Ratchet: I thought that was implied.
Smokescreen: ...
Bumblebee : ..:...:.
Ratchet, looking straight at Smokescreen: Congrats Bumblebee , you just won 100 bucks.


Bumblebee : Why do you look like that?
Optimus, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Bumblebee : Like you're dead.
Optimus: It's because I'm dying. Leave me here to perish.
Smokescreen: Optimus accidentally called Ratchet "babe" in front of everyone today.
Optimus: *sobs into the floor*


Optimus to Ratchet: I think we should have a nother one.
Ratchet: Optimus, we already have two kids are you sure you want more?
Optimus: Yes, I think it time-
Smokescreen and Bumblebee: *Screaming* 


Optimus, about Ratchet: Can I tell them they look nice?
Bumblebee : ..:Sure:..
Optimus: Can I tell them I respect them?
Bumblebee : ..:Maybe, if they ask:...
Optimus: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?
Bumblebee : ..:...:..
Bumblebee : ..:I'd save that for later:..


adios mis amigos I will try and come back and update more often but idk :P


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