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Smokescreen: I was arrested for being too cool.
Bumblebee: ..:The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence:..


Bumblebee: ..:You have to apologize to Smokescreen:.
Arcee: Fine.
Arcee: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.


Smokescreen: *Screams*
Bumblebee: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Arcee: Should we do something?!
Bulkhead, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.


Smokescreen with a gun to Ratchet 's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Ratchet : Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.


Smokescreen: Hi-
Bumblebee: ..:Leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass:..


Smokescreen: Bumblebee and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Bumblebee: ..:We what?:..


Smokescreen: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.
Smokescreen: Vroom vroom, come out already.


Arcee: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!?
Smokescreen, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that's what.


Smokescreen: *coughs blood*
Ratchet : Don't die, Smokescreen.
Smokescreen: Don't tell me what to do!


Computer: Please enter a password.
Ratchet : *types in Bumblebee*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Ratchet : How fucking DARE YOU-


Bumblebee: ..:Have I ever told you that you cook well?:..
Smokescreen: Awww, no, you haven't!
Bumblebee: ..:So why do you keep cooking?:..


Smokescreen: But who gets which pencil?
Ratchet : Since they're my things, I get the good one, Bumblebee gets the broken one and you don't get one because fuck you.


Smokescreen: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Bumblebee: ..:But are you shuffling?:..
Smokescreen: Everyday.
Ratchet : What language are you two speaking??


*The gang is learning CPR on a test dummy*
Ratchet : So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Smokescreen: No, Ratchet . They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
Ratchet : No, that's not part of it—
Smokescreen: Where are they? You know what? If we come across somebody with no arms or legs do we bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there?
Bulkhead: I would want to live with no legs.
Smokescreen: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Bulkhead. You don't do anything.
Ratchet : All right, well, lets get back to it. 'Cause you're losing him. *Smokescreen pumps frantically* Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Smokescreen: Okay, that's uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour?
Bumblebee: ..:How's that gonna help you?:..
Smokescreen: I will divide and then count to it.
Bumblebee: ..:Right:..
Ratchet : Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of 'Staying Alive' by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Smokescreen: Yes, yes I do. I love that song. *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.


Smokescreen, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass."
Smokescreen: THERE. Now send it.
Bulkhead: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to-
Smokescreen: JUST DO IT!


Bumblebee: So what does it say?
Arcee, reading the letter: They say they're going to "lick my...."
Bumblebee: Gross-


Ratchet : I'm gonna die alone.
Smokescreen: Ratchet , you're not gonna die alone.
Ratchet : Bumblebee, was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake.
Arcee: Uh-huh. Why is that?
Ratchet : If I'm gonna be an old lonely person, I'm gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Ratchet : So I figured I'll be "Crazy Man With A Snake", you know? Crazy snake man.
Ratchet : Then I'll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won't walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!


Ratchet : A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Optimus: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Arcee: A realist sees a freight train.
Bumblebee: ..:The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks:..



ello hope u have a good day/night

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