
14 3 0

Ratchet: I hate you.

Smokescreen: whatever I hate you too.

Ratchet on the verge of tears: YOU TAKe THaT BACK-


Raf: I really can't hurt their feelings. My brain would just not be able to handle that.

Bulkhead: in full honesty if they are your best friend then they should be able to take you communicating that you just need a break.

Arce: Yeah Bulkhead is right

Jack: it'd be better to talk it out and explain what's happening rather than let it go on and maybe irritate you more, yes?

Miko : OR just hurt your own feelings! if you do it then nobody else can :D

Bulkhead: Miko what-

Smokescreen : Miko would make a great therapist

Arce: 10/10 therapy

Ratchet: 5 stars would recommend.

Bulkhead: wat-


Hi guys sorry I have been gone so long school it kicking my ass rn and I have moved on from my Transformers hiperfixation 

I might still update this once in awhile but get ready for more TMNT stuff bc that's what's on my brain rn 

Luv u- Bebe 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 15 ⏰

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