Chapter 139

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Chapter 139 Hoshino Ends, Training Begins

    The eight guests of the Tropical Rainforest Station, no matter who they are, have their own unique skills.

    After the two teams merged, the tools were naturally used together.

    So everyone has a spear that is sharpened and more usable by cutting the tip with a knife, and then slightly roasting it with a fire to carbonize the tip. If you want to build a camp at night, you can also use branches to build a skeleton of three walls, and then fill it with branches, which can well resist the wind and rain that always comes in when it rains at night.

    As for Mike and Jason, the two happily decided to temporarily abandon all the plans given by the studio before, and happily compared the hunting with Chu Jinzhi.

    Instead of bows and arrows, use spears.

    Cao Xu used a knife to cut vegetables on the stone cutting board. Looking at the three people who left again, he shook his head and sighed: "I don't need a bow, is this the world of a boss?


    Xin Tian and Du Jiajia searched nearby for flammable branches, and also picked some wild vegetables and fruits.

    Wild fruits are mostly berries of dwarf shrubs, small, sweet and sour. I've picked it on the way before, but because of the tight schedule, it's not like I can pick a big bag full of it and bring it back for dinner in such a dangerous and comfortable way.

    Wei Lan is on the side picking out ingredients that can make soup.

    After everyone crossed the mountain stream together, it was already sunset, and after three days of drilling in the woods, it was rare to see such a bright sky. Everyone unanimously decided to camp nearby tonight.

    In this case, the work of preventing snakes and insects cannot be less. Lin Shuyu prepared these herbs, and they would burn them or hang them near the hammock for a while, and they would use them.

    Hearing Cao Xu's muttering, Lin Shuyu glanced at the few prey he had brought back, and couldn't help but smile: "Using a bow is a bit of a bully." This

    means that with bows and arrows, Mike and Jason will basically become specialized pickers. The younger brother of the prey.

    Everyone is friends who have been playing together for so long, how can you not hear the pride in Lin Shuyu's words, Du Jiajia and Xin Tian screamed "oh oh", Wei Lan looked at Lin Shuyu with bright eyes, a pair of Look strange.

    Cao Xu laughed loudly: "Yes, haha, we have the traditional virtue of being humble and loving."

    After laughing, he watched and followed the filming. The live broadcast time had come, and the live broadcast room was also closed. When he mentioned any sensitive topic, he boldly teased: "Xiao Lin has been to Xiao Chu's hometown, when are you going to bring her back to your house?"

    Lin Shuyu didn't think it was necessary to mention it, but said casually: "September, I just happened to take her back to eat seafood."

    September's crabs are the most plump, and she must like them.

    As we all know, when a couple is teased, the more they react, the more energetic they are. Like Lin Shuyu's mediocre response, Cao Xu and the others lost the interest in continuing to tease, and instead focused on Lin Shuyu taking Chu Jinzhi back to his home to eat seafood.

    Xin Tian smacked her lips, her face full of envy: "Sister Lin, is your hometown by the sea? It's great, I also want to eat seafood."

    Seafood is delicious and not afraid of getting fat.

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