Chapter 135

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Chapter 135 The First Night of the Survival Competition

    Layers of meat strips hung from racks made of branches around the burning bonfire, and above the bonfire hung a blackened husk pot with tumbling broth.

    When the charcoal fire is opened, the unique aroma of starchy foods will be released.

    Cao Xu picked out the stewed rhizomes and kept six smaller ones, wrapping the rest with broad leaves, and then tied them with straw rope and put them aside.

    After the rhizomes were roasted, Cao Xu wrapped the two chickens marinated in savory fruit juice with layers of leaves, and then smeared them with a layer of mud before burying them in the charcoal fire.

    Cao Xu asked Du Jiajia to help wash his hands with the clean water from the nut shell, and then he cheered for the rest of his life: "It's time to eat!" The

    lunch at noon was quite rich, including barbecued meat, stewed meat, mushroom broth, and a plate of must-have The wild vegetables that are casually mixed with savory juice.

    The main dish is the reserved roasted rhizomes.

    If you don't have bowls and chopsticks, you can use washed leaves to roll them into a triangular funnel shape, which can hold both meat and soup. Chopsticks are more convenient, and you can just fold two non-toxic branches.

    Although the seasonings are only savory and sour, the ingredients are fresh, and even the wild vegetables are cooked in the broth, which adds a bit of animal fat to the taste.

    The group of six ate and drank here, and the audience in the live broadcast room was drooling, as if watching a food broadcast.

    And in Mike Jason's live room.

    At the beginning, there were many people who advocated that the two were real men and had a competitive spirit, and they ridiculed the six-person team for giving up at the beginning and losing properly.

    But when they saw that Mike and Jason shoved the bugs they found on the road into their mouths in order to replenish their energy, many advocates couldn't stand it, and the diving audience even exploded.

    【I go! I just finished my meal and was ready to eat while watching Hoshino's live broadcast. A sudden crit! ]

    [Ah, ah, this, I can't stand it, I really can't stand it [vomiting.jpg]]

    [I have also watched Mike Jason's Survival in the Wilderness video. At that time, I admired them eating bugs. I felt that Survival in the Wilderness should be like this. Twisted worm, suddenly I feel that survival in the wilderness doesn't have to be so savage. [Confused.jpg]]

    [I originally wanted to watch both sides together, but now I feel like I'll forget it, I really am a pure Chinese, slipped away]

    [You guys Are you watching more domestic stupidity than survival in the wilderness? Selling sisters and brothers is the real survival in the wilderness, okay? ]

    [Hehe, some people are worthy of being big stars, they are so far behind and still in the mood to cook. For the traffic, Guo Jia has no sense of honor [pick nose]]

    [I really want to laugh my dog ​​to death, for traffic? It's as if selling sisters and brothers is not for the sake of attracting people's attention. It's like eating all kinds of bugs when you can eat well (who can't raise the bar? I can let me go!)]     [Am I the only one? Do people think that Chu Honghua is much more powerful than these two foreigners? As far as hunting is concerned, Chu Honghua can get it done with just one arrow. These two people were in a state of embarrassment in order to hunt across the river before. Would you like me to send it to everyone to recall? ]     ...     Anyway, Mike and Jason eating bugs are really dancing on the Chinese people who have the spirit of eating into their bones. Many viewers who were originally in the live broadcast room went to the group of six.     After coming over, I was relieved to see the delicious barbecue, broth, wild vegetables and roasted plant roots.     [Just for the vegetables, soup and staple food, even if I lose, I will stay here to cheer for Chu Honghua and the others! ]     [Haha, brother, did you also escape from selling your sister and brother? I used to double-open, but now I don't dare, let me wait for them to eat and then go back and take a look]     [Is it really necessary to starve to survive in the wilderness? I didn't feel it before, but now that there is a comparison, I feel a little bit of that.]     [Sparrow Food, a little bit of deliberately abusing myself]

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