Chapter 53 - Unstress

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Chapter 53


The next day on Instagram were posts about our trip to the ice museum, the man having given the note to his daughter.

"Best day of my life! Dad works at the Seoul Ice Muesum and Kim Taehyung came in tonight! This is the note he left, signed and thanking me for being ARMY. Dad told him I was ARMY and that he was my bias, I can't believe it happened!"

There were comments saying how lucky she was under and a few questions including was he alone. I held my breath as I read what she said.

"Dad said he was there without any other members but he was with security and they weren't allowed to take photos. But I don't care about a photo, I have this that I can keep for the rest of my life anyway!"

I let my breath out, relieved that K-ARMY knew how to keep their word. Not that the father was necessarily ARMY but he had kept his word not to mention Marley and Sophia were there too, at least, that's what it appeared on social media which was what was important. I showed Marley to put her mind at ease. It was early in the morning and Sophia wasn't awake yet, we were curled around each other, comfortably scrolling through the internet. She knew that Yoongi had a thing for cats so kept showing me memes and tiktoks of cats and kittens, asking if she should send them to him. I thought it was cute and told her so as her eyelashes tickled my cheeks. I was in love with the little things about her, long eyelashes and trying to connect with my friends added to my ever growing list.

The night before, I'd stared at the picture of the three of us for a long time as she lay resting against me in the car. I knew it screamed family, it couldn't be posted anywhere online without drawing huge attention but I was happy to relegate it to my private collection. But it's what I wanted more than anything. If I closed my eyes and pictured my life five years from now, I was still in BTS but we didn't travel as much and I was married to Marley, two more siblings having joined Sophia. More siblings if I pictured 10 years from now. I hadn't shared that with Marley although she knew I wanted children. I was sure she had plans of her own and eventually, our plans would align. When the time was right. Leaning over to kiss her forehead, I'd felt her snuggle in, her head lolling against me and felt incredibly content.

Now, as I browsed this morning, I turned my body to the side so Marley couldn't see my phone, having noticed a link that took my breath for a moment. Clicking, I scrolled, knowing I would need to head into the company early and that I'd likely have some phone calls shortly.

"Sasaeng have come under fire for threatening the life of Kim Taehyung from Kpop band, BTS. Comments under a recent photo of Taehyung posted on Weverse have led a lot of ARMY to report the remarks and set up a petition for extra security surrounding him in the upcoming promotions. The comments include derogatory words about his talent, looks and lifestyle as well as death threats. This is not the first time a member of BTS has been targeted in this way but it is always a concern for the members of a group and their fanbase. HYBE could not be reached for comment at this time."

"That's a cute picture of you, what's the article about," Marley broke into my thoughts and I threw my phone down in a moment of panic. She looked surprised, glancing from the phone to me and back to the phone. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, yes, of course," I said, attempting to distract her with my mouth on hers. That usually worked and did for a few minutes. I could feel a little heat between us but I wasn't fully into it and she wasn't responding like she normally would.

"Tae, oppa," she said, pulling back, "I'm not silly, that wasn't a normal reaction to looking at your phone. Has something else come out about us?"

I sighed. This was the part of my life I really wanted to keep from her, not wanting her to worry. But it would come out more over the course of the day and it was better coming from me. "OK, try not to get worried." Straight away her eyes went wide but she nodded and sat up, facing me crossed legged on the bed. "It happens from time to time and we're always safe, the company takes care of us but, some people have said they'd hurt me." I heard her intake of breath and grabbed for her hand, squeezing it tight as I quickly continued to speak. "It's OK, we're always OK. There was a really horrible time when they were saying things about Jimin. We were all very worried but we learned a lot and when it happened again, no doubt it will in the future too, we had good things in place to keep us safe. That's why security is always so high, they really would jump in front of a bullet for us. Not that they'll need to of course," I finished in a rush when I saw her eyes widen and eyebrows shoot up. There was silence and I rubbed her hands with mine, staring into her eyes which were blinking several times. "Say something aein."

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