Chapter 35 - Cramra

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Chapter 35


We had about 15 minutes where I wasn't doing anything so I shut myself in the bathroom of my hotel suite and picked up my phone to Facetime with Marley. It wasn't enough but I needed even 5 minutes. I was surprised when it connected not to her beautiful smile but to a scrunched up nose of the cutest little 3yo. "Hello Sophia," I said with a laugh.

She wiped her hand across her mouth. "Hi TaeTae," she answered. "I playing a game."

"Oh? On Mummy's iPad? Is she there?"

"She cleaning."

I could hear a noise in the background, a voice singing along to DNA and I cracked up. This I wanted to see.

"Sophia, can you push the button on the bottom to take a photo for me?"

"Cramra," she asked and I guessed she meant camera.

"Yes, yes, can you do that and show me your Mother?"

She giggled and pushed the button, revealing the kitchen in front of me. All of a sudden it wiggled and moved around and then I caught sight of Marley, vacuuming and dancing while she sang. The short shorts and cropped tshirt were perfect and even the unstable motion of a 3yo holding the phone couldn't disrupt the image for me. I was spellbound and then shook myself out of it long enough to do a screen recording. I definitely wanted to watch this more than once.

Marley POV

A few days out from travelling, I knew I needed to tidy the house ready for the trip. I'd been putting it off, the house was in a state from all my planning and I needed to just get on with it so I had plugged music into my ears and started the vacuuming. Sophia tapped me part way through doing the lounge and asked to use my iPad to do a game. She didn't know it was an early reading app which I'd downloaded on the off chance she might be a child prodigy so I handed it over and went back to the vacuuming. My phone beeped a few times but I ignored it, knowing if I answered the texts, I'd likely get sidetracked so I kept going until the vacuum cleaner was put back away in the cupboard, the lounge straightened and kitchen wiped down.

Flopping onto the couch, I grabbed my phone and noticed I'd missed a text from Tae. Heart fluttering as always, I clicked on the message.


That was very cute dancing, I want to see that again! And you can sing really, really well. Duet?

I was confused for a moment but clicked on the link that took me through to myself, dancing and singing while I vacuumed the lounge. I was mortified, my hair was thrown up in a messy bun but flopping sideways, I was wearing cleaning clothes of old cropped tshirt and shorts and my dance moves weren't exactly up to date. But how did he have that clip? Looking round the lounge, my eyes fell on Sophia, on my ipad where she was still playing.

"Sophia Bug, did TaeTae call while Mummy was cleaning?"

"Mmmhmmmm," she nodded.

"What did he say?"

"Cramra," she giggled.

"Oh, he wanted you to use the camera to show Mummy?"

"TaeTae funny."

"Yes he is," I answered, rolling my eyes at the situation.


I'm flattered that you think I can sing. I'll sing with you only in my dreams, I'm too embarrassed to do that in person. But I'll dance with you, often, anytime, soon xx

Travel with Me - V (aka Kim Taehyung) BTS COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now