Chapter 6 - Concert time

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Chapter 6

Marley POV

When I stretched and woke at 630am the next morning, I listened out but Sophia was still asleep. Reaching for my phone, I clicked on the texts, grinning as I read the three messages he'd sent while I was sleeping.

"My smile won't go from my face."

"I'm trying to sleep but it's hard when I want to see you."

"My eyes are tired but my brain keeps saying Marley."

It is unbelievable that he'd be thinking of me like that. I had done some more very detailed and enjoyable research online and his photos were exquisite. In all of the magazine shoots he'd done, he looked like a model. The weird thing was, in person, without all the make-up or dripping in jewelry and high fashion, he was just as gorgeous. I looked down at the t-shirt and leggings that I'd slept in, my hair felt like it was all over the place. I was not his equal and I was painfully aware of it. But he still messaged me like I was someone that mattered and I was blown away by him each time he said something that made my heart sing.

"Hopefully you got to sleep, you need energy for the stage for tonight. You occupy my mind too in a really good way."

I guessed that after messaging at 2am, he should still be asleep this early so I quickly went to shower before Sophia woke up. As I washed, he was all I could think about and the concert was on my mind. I'd get to see him as V and I was looking forward to a live version of what I'd seen when scrolling youTube. I was also glad to have all day to decide what to wear, my nerves a little high. I felt like there had to be some kind of turning point so I'd know what to make of all of our interactions. Because I was confused and unsure whether to be excited for 'us' or not. 'Us' didn't make any sense so I couldn't wrap my head around it. I concentrated on getting myself looking my best, it was important to me to make a good impression in front of his friends.


Mr Muscles knocked on my door again at 9am and I opened it to a bow and a smile. "Miss Marley, these are for you."

"Thank you, I appreciate you bringing these to me."

He nodded and bowed again, starting to walk away and then he turned back. "Kim Taehyung smiles a lot these days," he said and raised his eyebrows at me with another smile and turned back to the car.

My hand went to my chest, the envelope tucked against my body at his words. Was he saying I was the reason? It had only been a few days, it couldn't be that I was changing his world like he had already begun to change mine? But if I was even part of the reason to put a smile on his face, I was glad. He worked so hard, they all did from what I'd seen online, I wanted him to be happy.

Shutting the door and opening the envelope, I pulled out 2 tickets and a note attached to the top. "I'm glad you can see me on stage today. I want to show you all of me. I'll look for you both while we perform and please come see me after. Love Tae."

Now more than ever, I was looking forward to the concert. I really wasnt sure what to expect but if it meant I got to see Taehyung again, even from a distance, it was going to be a very good day.


The sound of thousands of chattering fans surrounded us on all sides but Tae hadn't disappointed with the passes. We were right on the side at the front of the ground floor, barriers and then the stage in front of us with only 10 minutes until the concert was meant to start and my stomach was in knots. Sophia was blissfully unaware of what was going on but she loved music and was full or energy, having thankfully had a long nap that afternoon in preparation for the late night.

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