Chapter 5 - It's all in the signs

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Chapter 5


I'd felt it before when I saw her at the park and I felt it again now as I walked across the grass towards her. Peace.

She was standing watching Sophia and as I looked up and our eyes met, I walked faster, wanting to spend as much time as I could with them. She was ruffling through Sophia's hair as I approached, I couldn't help the smile that lit up my face at the sight of them. I focused on Sophia, needing a moment before I looked back at Marley. Sophia was tucked in against Marley's leg and her eyes were big as she greeted me with the cutest little "Hello man."

But Marley's were bigger, beautiful and drawing me in when I finally met hers properly and took a breath to steady myself again. I wasn't sure what feeling washed over me in that moment. Fondness? It was too soon to be love. "Hello again Marley. I am very happy we could do this today. You look beautiful." She blushed at my words, a slight pink tinge across her cheeks as she looked down and again, my heart was moving quickly.

"Shall I call you Tae as well," I heard her ask and tuned back into the conversation. I took her hand, guiding her down close to me on the picnic rug she'd spread out, the zing between our fingers raw as we touched. This wasn't the normal feelings I got for someone so quickly and I was becoming aware that I wanted this to continue long past today. I squeezed her hand as we went to let go once she was settled and breathed in, steadying my voice before I spoke. "V is my stage name, Kim Taehyung is my full name, Tae is who I am to friends. You can call me any of those but I like Tae." Hopefully I'd communicated to her that I wanted to be friends. I'd need to work on showing her that I wanted to be more than friends, if it wasn't too soon.

While we ate, we talked and I tried to keep up with the flow of conversation. I think she slowed her speech so it was easier for me to follow and I loved her for that. Especially when I just wanted to watch her and taking in what she was saying in another language could be exhausting. But she was so easy to be around so it didn't feel that way most of the time, instead, being around her invigorated me. When she talked about sign language, an idea formed in my head but I tucked it to the back of my mind as it hinged on a few things coming together.

As she was sorting Sophia, I watched, taking in her face, especially the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled at her daughter and how her tongue appeared at her lips to moisten them every now and again. Without realising it, I had been staring and she'd caught me. I didn't look away, I couldn't but she began to blush under my gaze averting her eyes as it all started to feel serious.

She looked up at the sky, commenting on the cloud formations and I was glad to have a moment to regroup, feeling a little dazed and breathless. Finding a flower in the clouds, I beckoned her over to rest on me while we searched the sky for more shapes and she seemed to willingly lean against me. Having her rest on my stomach while we looked felt perfect, her hair twisted up in a bun at the base of the neck, my fingers itching to take out the hair tie and let it cascade around her shoulders and down her back like I'd seenyesterday. I knew it would look beautiful, she was beautiful and very distracting. Had she noticed how I couldn't take my eyes off her?

When Sophia came over with flowers, I offered to make flower chains with her, something I'd often done in the past with my cousins. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Marley watching us while Sophia handed me more and more flowers, the chain growing. I began to turn it into a crown, trying not to notice the way Marley tilted her head to watch me, like she was analysing everything about me. I had the eyes of the world on me often, this felt more scary, like I wanted to prove myself more than ever before. I fitted the crown to my head, checking it was small enough then gently rested it onto Sophia's curls, her smile splitting her cheeks as she turned to show it to Marley. The pixie was quickly winning my heart, the pixie's mother already had.

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