Chapter 17 - Can I borrow a kiss?

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Chapter 17

Marley POV

When we pulled up in the large beach carpark, I drove up to the edge, away from a few other cars that were nearby, security parking close but a respectable distance away to give us privacy. The moon wasn't full but the night was clear and still. It lit up the ocean, the breeze causing a rippling across the surface. I felt like we were in a bubble as he took my hand, looking out at the water before looking back at me. "It's very peaceful, everywhere here has made me feel connected with nature. Your country is beautiful, I've loved it. Not as much as I've loved meeting you Marley." His voice was deep, resonating through my body as he spoke. Each time he said things like that, another piece of the wall I'd built around my heart broke away.

I tucked my bottom lip into my teeth, taking a deep breath to reset my thoughts. And then another one. And then they were coming too fast and I started to hyperventilate, feeling my chest seize up and my eyes grew huge as I clutched at his hands in panic.

He reacted instantly. "Breathe Marley, long and slow, look at me," and he held tightly as I locked my eyes on the rise and fall of his chest, steady and even. It felt like a long time before I could look up, the feeling having passed enough to move again.

"Are you OK," he asked, tucking hair behind my ear and holding his hand to cup my face. I nodded slowly, my mind feeling heavy.

"I think you had a panic attack, I've had them before in the lead up to big events. Do you know what triggered it?"

My mouth felt dry as I went to speak, clearing my throat. "After Matty, I created a wall to stop just about everyone getting close. I didn't want to feel that way again., it was too hard." He continued to gently stroke his thumb across my cheek, his other hand holding mine, anchoring me to the present, reminding me this moment was real. "But with you, it was almost instant. And easy. Even from that day in the park when Sophia interrupted your day, I felt something for the first time in a long time. And now...," I couldn't explain how I felt about him leaving, especially knowing there was nothing either one of us could do about it.

"I will always be grateful that Sophia came up to me that day."

I was silent for a moment and then couldn't hold it in anymore. "Tae, we haven't talked about what happens next, after you've gone."

"It's been such a short amount of time, hasn't it? To have feelings already. I'm very comfortable with what we have and I want to keep talking to you."

"Yes, five days isn't long," I replied, unsure of what he meant. Was he saying five days was too short to have real feelings. Because mine felt real. But if his didn't feel the same as mine, then were we just filling in time the last few days? I couldn't bring myself to ask. And he was comfortable with how things were, did that mean he didn't want more than what we had now. Was I just a temporary distraction? I felt more confused now than before we'd started to talk.

"Can we keep messaging?" he asked quietly.

"I'd like that Tae."

"I'm not great with texting but I do like video calls."

"OK, it's a plan." A vague one that didn't really resolve at all how we were feeling. Was it a cultural barrier that I didn't realise, was talking about feelings not a done thing? Because I wanted to lay it all out so I knew one way or another.

I started shivering, the cool night air spreading through the car

"Lets head back to your place so we can enjoy the last little bit before...," his voice trailling off.

"Yes, before," I said with a sad smile, starting the engine.


Security pulled up behind us as we parked in my driveway, waiting in the car as we went inside.

Travel with Me - V (aka Kim Taehyung) BTS COMPLETEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن