Chapter 3 - An invitation

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Chapter 3 

Marley POV

The sounds of Sophia waking greeted me just before 7 am and I stretched, realising I'd slept the night on the sofa. Again. Since Matty, the bed felt lonely and I ended up falling asleep in front of the TV more than half the time. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Sophia ran out, holding her blanket, falling into my lap for a cuddle. "Mummy, mummy, mummy" she sang, as always awake and ready to go from the moment her eyes popped open. "Sophia Sophia Sophia girl," I replied in a sleepy, sing-song voice. "Breakfast time?" Nodding she jumped up and ran to the kitchen, our normal routine beginning as she helped me pour the cereal into a bowl. Breakfast, getting her dressed and cartoons were the normal way we started most days with just the two of us. It felt comfortable to have a routine when our world had been so crazy the last year and so I switched into morning mummy mode and the time ticked by until 9 am when the doorbell rang.

Furrowing my brow, I walked towards the peephole and looked out. Standing slightly back from the door was a well-built guy in sunglasses holding an envelope. Nope, wasn't opening the door. "Ummmm, yes, can I help you?"

"Delivery for Miss Marley," he replied.

"Sure, just leave it on the doorstep, thank you," I answered.

"Miss Marley, V would prefer I handed you the envelope so he knows you got it," and I took a step back from the door. V? Had an envelope for me? Delivered to my house? How? What? Why? A zillion emotions flicked through my head while my heart started to gallop. "Miss Marley?" he asked again and I realised I hadn't said anything for almost a minute.

"Sorry, sorry, let me unlock the door." As I pulled the door open, he bowed slightly, handing the envelope across the threshold. "Ah, thank you?" I said, still feeling incredibly confused. He nodded then turned, walking back to the car I saw parked just up the road. Was V inside the car watching the exchange? Suddenly embarrassed, I tugged at the clothes I was wearing, literally the same I was wearing the last time he saw me as I had fallen asleep in them. "Ah, excuse me, sir," and Mr. Muscles turned. "Can you please say Thank you to V. He's not... here is he?"

"No Miss, he's practicing at the moment until 930am."

"OK, thank you again," I replied and closed the door after I watched him get in the car and drive away.

My hand was shaking a little as I walked the envelope in and put it on the kitchen bench. I glanced at Sophia, noticing she was engrossed in Cocomelon and then I stared back at the envelope. White, small, my name scrawled across the front. Taking a deep breath, I slit it open and pulled out a single white sheet of folded paper. Opening it up I read "Do you like picnics? Would you like to come have one with me today? V". It was written on hotel letterhead and at the bottom were enough digits to make a phone number. I dropped it back on the counter, hand to my forehead. Yes, the temperature was definitely going up and I fanned my cheeks, flustered.

Did I want to go on a picnic with V? Yes, yes I did, I didn't even need to think about it. Yesterday had felt like a big shift in my life and somehow it felt like he was part of it. I looked at my cellphone and saw it was 912am. If he had practice until 930am, should I call him at like 945am and see what was going on? That left me half an hour to shower and change into something other than what I was wearing so I double-checked the doors were all locked and bolted, called out to Sophia that I was going to take a shower and then gathered my things together. With only me in the house now, some things had needed adapting. Now I left the bathroom door open while I showered so I had a clear view of the hallway and could hear if Sophia called out. Privacy didn't exist but it was usually the only way to get anything done. Washing down with my favourite shower gel, I left the cubicle smelling like cucumber and with freshly smooth legs, preparing myself for the date. And then I stopped. "Did I just call this picnic a date?" I wondered. I mean, we were hanging out together but Sophia would be there. Was I even thinking about it that way, was he? So many questions and my brain was starting to hurt so I wrapped in a towel, noting Sophia hadn't moved from her spot on the sofa.

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