Chapter 42 - Come to Korea

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Chapter 42


I started laughing when I heard Abby's voice over the video call, trying to hold it in. Marley had warned me she was loud and bubbly, I could hear that she wanted to meet me and I wanted to meet and connect more with everyone who was important in Marley's life. Abby was easy to like, her outgoing and direct way of speaking a contrast to the women back home but not uncommon of the Western women I had met although it was a struggle not to blush when she referred to me as sexy.

Leaving them to it, I'd gone to the bedroom and rested on the bed for a bit trying not to overhear the conversation, picking up my phone as a distraction. But I did tune in when I heard them talking about how we could make it work, something I knew weighed on my mind too.

"Location, how can we possibly keep this up living and working so far apart," Marley was asking.

"It will work out if it's meant to. That would be destiny right," Abby had answered.

"I guess, I hope it does because you're right, I'm smitten," and my whole body reacted to her words. It was definitely something to hear her talk about us that way and to think that she was feeling the way I was. I remember that word from when we first met and Namjoon had told me I was already smitten. That felt like so long ago and my feelings had been through so many changes since then but I still felt the same flutters when I thought of her and I didn't think I could ever get enough of that.

I'd zoned out for a moment, focused inwards on my feelings for Marley when I heard Abby speak again. "You said love."

"That's what it is and it's only getting stronger. You should see him with Sophia. She adores him and the feeling is mutual," Marley replied and I felt my heart clench. I wanted Sophia to trust me and I did adore her, I more than adored them both. I wanted what they could give me and not just because I always wanted a family. While I was thinking about that I heard Sophia beginning to stir and went out to ask if Marley wanted me to get her up so she could keep talking to her sister. When she indicated that she didn't mind, I went in to see Sophia starting to stretch, her eyes still shut.

Crouching down next to the bed, I lightly stroked her curls and her eyes popped open, blinking a few times, just like Marley did when she woke up. She really was a mini of her mother.

"Hey beautiful girl, did you have a good sleep," and she nodded stretching some more then reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck. I happily picked her up, resting her comfortably in my arms as she leaned against my chest with her sleeping friend. We tiptoed out into the lounge, quiet so Marley could be keep talking but Sophia was content to snuggle against me as we rested on the couch, sleepy warmth still radiating from her body. In these moments, when she was happy to stay with me even though her mother was close by, I was so ready to drop to my knee and ask Marley to stay with me forever because I didn't know how I could ever lose this feeling. I closed my eyes and breathed it all in.

"TaeTae," Sophia said sleepily against my chest.

"Yes BugBug," I murmured in answer.

"Who mama talk to?"

"She's talking to your Aunty Abby," I replied into her curls, lightly rubbing her back.

"Aunty Abby home?"

"Yes she's at home and you'll see her in a few days."

"TaeTae come too?"

"Oh, I wish I could Sophia, more than anything," I replied. Meeting Abby, her mother and father, a few friends she'd talked about with me sounded daunting but I wanted it to happen soon. Family was so important to me and I wanted, no needed, them to like me jut like I wanted her to meet mine. I was going to mention it again, that she could come see me in Korea anytime, it felt like the next big thing we both needed to do to make sure our futures were joined.

Travel with Me - V (aka Kim Taehyung) BTS COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin