Chapter 49 - Approval

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** Double update today, just because it felt like the two chapters went together so here is the second of two today**

Chapter 49


It's late afternoon when Lee Seul-Ki finds me in the practice room, returning my card.

"Did you have a nice afternoon, did she buy some things," I asked, sliding it back into my things.

"Yes, she only got a few things though."

"Oh, couldn't she find things she wanted?" Noticing she looked down, I frowned. "Did something happen?"

"I don't think she'd want you to know but, there were some staff that were a little judgemental and she left ***** **** pretty upset."

"What did they say to her," I asked, feeling my anger rising.

"It wasn't so much what they said but how they said it. They made it pretty clear they didn't think she was worthy of their items."

"I'm very disappointed, I have a very good working relationship with that designer."

"These were just catty women who didn't know what they were talking about. The designer would be most upset if he knew how she came away today."

"I'll be making some phone calls," I replied, picking up my phone to text Marley.

"I made sure I spoke to them too," she said with a sharp, tight smile.

"Oooh nuna, what did you say?" I'd been on the end of her disapproving words before, she had a sharp tongue if she needed to.

"I just told them they had likely lost the designer millions of won by the way they treated her and held the black card up. I didn't mention your name of course but they obviously realised they'd made a big mistake as they bowed and simpered when I left."

"Thank you nuna, for standing up for her."

"She's a beautiful person Taehyungie, not remotely interested in the brand names and horrified at the cost of everything. She isn't in this relationship for anything more than just you. I think she was happiest when we were eating ice cream on the way home."

"I'm very lucky we met," I answered, smiling as I thought of her.

"Ah Taehyungie, love was made for you," she said as she bowed and walked away.


Lee Seul-Ki said you got a few things, I look forward to seeing them, I know you'll look beautiful in everything xx


She's lovely and made things so easy. Yes, a few things, thank you oppa

I looked at her reply, not surprised she hadn't mentioned what had happened. I decided not to bring it up, for now.


Our evening is all set. Eomma will be there around 715pm to help put Sophia to bed, a car will come at 745pm to take you to dinner and I'll come straight from work to the restaurant


Can't wait, miss you xx

I smiled then, picturing her curled up on my couch, possibly reading a book to Sophia. Then I got distracted by thinking of her curled in my bed instead having to shake myself out of those thoughts as I still had a few hours of work left to concentrate on.


Don't forget to bring my golf clubs baby


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