Chapter 46 - Dance practice

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Chapter 46


I was staring at the pictures on my phone. The company had received a tip only a few minutes ago that there were some photos released and had forwarded the link to me to look at. My heart beat a little at the three photos that popped up, definitely Marley. Caught in quick succession, they weren't completely in focus which could lead to some deniability. Marley was stepping back from the camera, hand coming up to shield her eyes as she closed the door, Sophia appearing next to her in one of them. It made my stomach turn over from anger that she'd been put through this. The article was from a rumour page, simply asking if she was the women seen in the last few months with me. I knew it wouldn't be the last of it though, people would pick it up and run with it, looking for as much information as they could find. Was it clear enough to put a name with a face?

"Well, she does have great legs Tae," Jimin said, raising his eyebrows as he leaned over my shoulder.

I shot him a look, definitely not in the mood for joking about this. It was one thing for me to see her like that when we were alone together but not to have her plastered all over the internet with her legs looking long and elegant, on display for everyone. Especially with Sophia's little face next to her. Jungkook smacked him in the stomach and he gave an owwww before looking at my face.

"Sorry Tae, I know this isn't OK for you guys." He wrapped his arms around my neck to offer his support.

"I'm just upset that this is while she's here. It means we have to be even more cautious and will put a damper on our time."

"Probably a good thing you have limited time then," Hobi said.

"How can limited time with someone I love be a good thing," I replied, frustrated.

Everyone turned to look at me and I realised I'd said she was someone I love. They knew I had very strong feelings for her, I hadn't been hiding that. But it had flowed easily off my tongue and they looked at each other, talking with their eyes.

"OK, OK, lets move on with practices," I said, putting my phone down for now.

"Nah, we're talking about that first," Jin said, coming over to join us. "Our Taehyungie is in love. It's definitely more than lust?"

Namjoon nudged him with his elbow and he backtracked. "I mean, you can lust after her and love her too."

"That was even less helpful Jin," Namjoon said. "What can we do to help during all this Tae?"

"I guess she might want to come here to see everyone at some stage since she'll be limited on where she can go? Just be nice to her, to them both please."

"You don't have to tell us to be nice to them, we all think she's great for you and Sophia is a doll. Your baby doll is welcome here anytime," Suga said, speaking up and he earned a tight smile at the use of my old nickname for her.

The door to the studio opened and one of the managers popped their head in. "Taehyung, come have a meeting," head disappearing straight after. I sighed, following after him to sort out damage control.

In the end, we went with the statement the company had already prepared about how seriously they take their artists privacy and security and would prosecute anyone found sharing photos of artists during their private time or anyone attempting to jeopardise their safety. This didn't directly address any of the images of Sophia and Marley but reminded people not to mess with the company. We had decided people could take what they wanted from that statement and we knew from experience they would, some assuming that was an admission of a relationship and others the opposite. If there was ever a time to announce something formal about any relationship, I wanted it to be on my terms and not when I had been forced into it. In the meantime, I'd been cautioned to lay low and to try our best to stay away from anymore photo opportunities while Marley was here. It sounded like a terrible introduction to Korea for her so I was going to have to work out how to make it up to her while keeping away from media. My head was throbbing with a headache as I walked back into the studio, calling Marley as I did.

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