Chapter 51 - Plans

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Chapter 51

Marley POV

I was curled up on the couch watching TV when I heard the door close. It was very late and you could tell his stress levels were high when he walked into the room, letting out a long sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, leaving a rough mess behind. "Are you ok?" I asked, rising from the couch and going over to wrap him in a hug.

He hugged me back tightly, letting out another long breath. "Lots of things happened today," he replied. "It was a long day so I'm glad to back with you. I thought you'd already be in bed."

I leaned up to kiss him and he relaxed into the embrace, kissing me back before pulling away again. "I'm sorry, my mind is racing. There was a lot we talked about to plan for the next few months and I'm thinking about it all."

He needed something to take his mind off what ever was going on and I thought for a moment, while stroking my thumb across his hand. An idea popped into my head, daring for me but something I thought he'd appreciate so I looked him in the eye, forcing him to make eye contact as I reached down to his waist, feeling for his belt buckle. He breathed in quickly, a small twitch at the corner of his lips the only thing that betrayed his feelings. As I released the belt pin and began to pull it out of the belt loops, I had an idea and rolling with it before I could change my mind, pushed him back to sit on the couch. Straddling his lap, I reached down to pull the belt the rest of the way out as he leaned his head back against the couch, surprised at my boldness, watching my deliberate movements as his hands came behind me to my butt, anchoring me against himself.

Leaning forward, so my chest brushed against his, I kissed the underside of his jaw. Then, I reached behind my back to unhook the clasp on my bra, pulling it out my sleeve in what I hoped was a sexy move. His eyes grew large, teeth coming to his lip momentarily with a huge smile as he watched all my movements before his face became passive again. However, he did swallow and beneath my hips, I felt an unmistakable stirring. Smiling, my eyes becoming hooded with the power I was beginning to wield, I looked down at his face, never getting used to how beautiful he was, before I carefully began to unbutton my top. My fingers fumbled on the last button and his hands came up to help as it fell open, causing his hands to linger on the skin around my belly button, his eyes pointing down at his hands and not at my chest, a faint flush of colour on his cheeks.

I wagged my finger at him to let him know not to touch and he raised an eyebrow, his tongue in his cheek as I took his hands, putting them behind his head so that he reclined and could enjoy the show. Hopefully I gave a good enough performance for him, nerves kicking in but determined to help relax his stress levels as much as I could. Maybe we'd both enjoy it.

"I have some news for you," he said as I leaned in to capture his mouth, his words getting muffled on my lips.

Sitting back, I raised an eyebrow. "And you want to tell me it right now?"

He laughed. "Well, not exactly but I can't really keep it in any longer and I had no idea I'd be walking into this."

I slid back on his thighs so we could see each other properly and he sat a little taller from where he'd sunk into the couch, holding my back after checking with a smirk that he was allowed to touch me now after all.

"And...," I asked, waiting somewhat impatiently considering what had been about to happen.

"It's good news for us. We're taking a break."

I frowned, turning the words over in my head. "Who is we?"

"BTS." He answered, squeezing my hand. "We've been talking about it for years as obviously we need to do military service really soon and all of us have other things like acting and solo albums we want to do. But the timing has been tricky until now things are falling into place. We're tired from working so hard for all these years so we're ready. Namjoon wants to get married soon, I want to do my first solo album and so do most of the others. So, we've been told it's OK to tell those we need to tell before it is officially announced next week. We have a date in mind that we'll start doing group projects again in a few years time when we've all finished serving."

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