Chapter 13 - It's all in the hands

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Chapter 13

Marley POV

"This is my surprise for you," he said, opening up the door into the room next to it. A massage table was laid out in the centre with soft music playing and the lights slightly dimmed. "I hope it's alright. I wanted you to have some relaxing time."

"I love having a massage," I replied, leaning up to kiss his cheek as a thank you. 

He flushed slightly, pressing his lips together. "I should give you treats more often," he said, jokingly. But the unspoken tension between us could be felt in the air. "The hyung and I will spend time with Sophia so you can relax in peace. Otherwise I would've ordered a second table and joined you for a massage myself."

"Lets rain-check that one then for another time," I said, holding his eyes and he nodded softly, bringing my hand up to his lips. He stepped back, dropping my hand as there was a knock at the door and opening it, he let a lady in who bowed a few times to each of us.

"I'll leave you to it," he said, watching me as he backed away, almost colliding with the connecting door. With a laugh he called out "See you after."

I stared at the now closed door for a moment, collecting my thoughts before turning to the lady waiting.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello, I'm here to give you a relaxation massage, is that OK?"

"More than OK, hopefully I can stay awake!" I exclaimed. "It's been a few years since I've had a full body massage, definitely in need of one."

"Well, I'll go out into the hallway for a few minutes. If you would like to remove your layers, including your bra if you're OK with that, leaving your underwear on and lay face down on the table. Cover yourself with the towel and I'll be back soon to begin."

"Of course, thank you," I said, beginning to remove my shoes and socks, tucking them together under the table. By the time she knocked on the door and I told her to come in a few minutes later, I was laying face down and already thinking about my achy muscles. I was pleased I'd shaved my legs that morning though as this hadn't been in my thinking when I'd woken up and someone rubbing my legs would've made me feel very uncomfortable otherwise.

After checking how much pressure I liked and if I was allergic to any of the ingredients in the oil she was going to use, I settled in as she began to rub my back and neck, relaxing into the table.


Closing the door behind me with a smile, I was met with the cutest scene of Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the ground, playing a clapping game with Sophia. "Come join us Tae," he called out as Sophia giggled uncontrollably.

Hobi was watching on fondly as I sat down and said "This little doll already loves her Uncles but especially Kookie who she thinks is hilarious."

"Again, again," she shrieked as JK tickled her. Very soon both were giggling on the ground and the room was full of smiles as my friends and staff looked at the cute babies. My thoughts kept drifting back to Marley, in the room next door, having her massage. I really would've loved to be a part of it, there's something incredibly intimate about having a massage at the same time as someone else or better still, giving each other massages and I had to shake my head to leave that moment in my head and return to the present. Jimin smirked at me. " No need to ask what you were thinking about or at least who," he said quietly, coming to sit next to me."She's very pretty."

"It's not even that, although that is true of course. It's how easy it is to be around her, her life with Sophia, the sadness from the loss that she has overcome. There is so much to her, I want to know more."

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