[ Chapter 37 : Conservatory Garden ]

Start from the beginning

" Don't laugh! " He said, I shake my head and put my hand down.

" I'm not laughing " I press my lips into a line.

" I was nine and we were playful so yeah, that's a promise I made but of course we were kids " he said, I sigh out loud and swing our hands back and forth.

" It has only been a month since I got into this family and everything has gone to shit " I said.

" But I'm not gonna say I miss my old life " I said.

" Okay, enough of the shit talk, I wanted us to have fun, not talk about some family shit " he stops me from walking further and stand in front of me.

" That's a lot of shit " I said.

" From now on, no family talks just us having fun " he said, I fold my arms across my chest.

" Okay, what kind of fun? " I asked, he looks at me with a smirk which had me thinking.

" All sorts of fun " he smiles.

" Your scaring me " I said and he grabs my hand then give me a reassuring smile.

" It's having fun, you don't need to be scared "

~ Time Skip ~

" Is it necessary to cover my eyes? " I asked as we walk down this path with his hands on my eyes.

" Yes " he said.

" If you push me into a pool, I will bring you down with me to drown " I said.

" Please don't, I can't swim " he said.

" Seriously? " We stop in place.

" Yes, I don't want to talk about it " he said.

" You grew up in a noble life and you can't swim? " I asked.

" Let's just get back to this " he said and we continue to walk.

" Are we there yet? " I asked.

" No " he said, I grumble and keep walking with my hands out in front of me so I won't crash into anything.

I start to hear faint music and it sounded like a party is going on, it started to get louder and louder as we get close.

" Okay what is going on?, Are we there now? " I asked.

" Yes, keep your eyes closed " he said as I feel his hand lowering down to my waist which had me tense a little.

The music playing really sounds like fun and I can also hear people laughing and talking, it really sounds like a party.

" Okay open your eyes " he said.

I flutter my eyes open which my vision turned blue for a few seconds but my focus turned to this garden where there's so many people here dancing around with a band playing the music. Some are even dancing with partners, I exhale in disbelief and laugh. Fairies flying around carrying food and drinks, there's even some kind of magic happening in the trees where the flowers are blooming and changing colors as they sprinkle some dust to everyone, making their clothes glitter.

" What is this? " I look over my shoulder to Laurence who's smiling.

" The prince's birthday is coming, this is just an entertainment for the people, I thought to bring you here today for it " he said.

I furrow my eyebrows and turn to him fully.

" Y-. . .your not planning on asking me to dance, right? " I asked.

" Yes. . .why? " He asked.

Oh shit, out of all things he asked to do that, fighting and doing chores are fine to me same as dancing, I'm fine with dancing it's just. . .not in public.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now