Now it's cold, now it's empty..until he hits the ground. Now this is certainly a dream..or a flashback in a nightmare.

Who knows?

No matter how much he begs his dreams to end, it never works out..might as well witness the whole show.

There's a reddish aura around the areas, around the corners and amidst the darkness. Cursing silently, Tommy gets up to his feet, appreciating that he's back to his old self..well, physically-wise.

He looks around and finds the place unsettling; it's all tight, and grey, secluded and barren. At the same time, it looks familiar.

He's been here before.

Footsteps echo behind, the stranger moving forward was quicker than Tommy looking from behind.

It's that man..the man with a trenchcoat..his hair is all over the place. The kid's nose crinkles, finding the smell unpleasant.

Unlike the faint smell of cornflower valley, this place reeks with alcohol and cigars, especially from this man.

The only question he could think of is who is he, and what the hell is going on?

"Is this your stop?"

His voice is deep with a lulling brit accent, he finally opens his eyes and it bears enstatite, at the same time, reflecting crimson,

"What?" Tommy asks, perplexed by his question.

The man only laughs, finding the confusion of who he is talking to hilarious, to which Tommy finds insulting,

"I wonder when my stop will arrive. I have been waiting forever."

Blinking, Tommy lowers his glare, his expression back to being puzzled again,

"Who..who are you?"

The man only blows off the cigar air, as Tommy dodges it off while clipping off his nose with his fingers,

"You know me." His encrypted words freak him out, at the same time pisses him off.

Tommy takes a step back when the man gets close, taking over his smaller figure,

"You just don't let yourself remember-"

A noise erupts from afar, grabbing Tommy's attention.

The rails vibrate from the upcoming large vehicle, as the sound grows louder and louder.

A train is coming, Tommy realises that.

His train of thought is interrupted by being grabbed by the shoulder,

"It seems to be my unlucky day."

His smile scares him, his voice petrifies the same time, why can't he help but find his company..welcoming?

Like he knows him, more than just an acquaintance, a friend?

"Farewell, Tommy."

He pushes Tommy's frail body and lets him go, leaving the other to fall to the rails just in time the train reaches him.

He could barely react.

He could barely hear the alarm telling him to get out of there. He could barely feel his body ripping off to pieces.

He could barely feel-

With a gasp, Tommy sits up from the bed, his own sweat drenching his outfit and his body.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now