Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert

Start from the beginning

This sparked a thought in (Y/N)'s head, "other leaders? Aren't they the ones that are we are looking into as possible traitors?  Who did you end up contacting and what did they say? I thought that they were all potential suspects right now?"

Adam nodded his head and said, "I understand that, and I still know that they are. However, as I listed in the retelling of last weeks events, there were a few of the leaders that were highly vocal in their disagreement of the humans' agenda. Naya for one," he said, bringing a small smile to the woman's face, "and more importantly Elder Reese. You see, the Head elder has quite the powerful clan" as he finished Anaya was back to frowning again.

She chose to speak up and cut off Adam in the explanation of Reese's 'powers.' "I don't mean to be rude Adam, but I think I'd be a bit better at letting (Y/N) the power structure between our Tribes." 

The man looked only slightly irritated but otherwise remained composed as he nodded slightly to give her the go ahead to continue

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The man looked only slightly irritated but otherwise remained composed as he nodded slightly to give her the go ahead to continue. "Good. To say that Reese's Clan is powerful is a bit of an understatement because of the fact that even before the massive 'alliance' his Clan was already the largest of the Faunus exclusive Tribes in Vacuo. However, now he has control over three additional Tribes since the alliance essentially just merged them under his rule under the name Desert Faunus Alliance." 

She paused for a moment before finishing with, "it is a massive Tribe with over ten thousand people, and although there are the three other Chief's that have power within the Clan, we all know that Reese himself is the ruler of all of it."

"Exactly," Adam then added, "that is why I requested his assistance."

Anaya rolled her eyes and said, "whatever, he's a power-hungry sack of shit that acts nice for appearances. If anything, he'd only help to make you owe him and the only reason he'd chose not to side with the humans would be because he wants to control everything."

"Do you even understand why he desires so much strength? Desires to control all of the Faunus tribes within Vacuo?" Adam asked the woman across the table, to which she quickly scoffed. "It's because he wishes to unify all of the Faunus Clans under a single name, a single banner. A massive, united Tribe of Faunus that prosper even in Vacuo. That is his vision, and I believe that he'd do anything to create it."

"You don't need to tell me that," the antlered woman replied, "I already know. Anything, including violently sending mercs to attack another Faunus Tribe that refuses to join his shitty alliance."

Adam paused for a moment, not sure how to respond to that comment. The gears within his mind began turning and he quickly asked, "is he the reason that your Tribe is currently suffering?"

The Addax simply waved off his question, "I have my suspicions. But whatever, it's not important. I just believe that it would be best if Reese or his shitty henchman were not involved in this conflict. They could help, but they also could not."

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now