« Keep Your Head Up. »

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"I know, b-"

He lifted his hand to motion for her to close her mouth, "Ya're too young fa that ! I told ya to focus on school and to not mind these little boys, cause they only know how to hurt girls' heart. And men in general are like this. Only the one's of your family truly care bout ya. The others are only after one thing ! Were ya listenin' when I was talkin' ? " He said starting to raise his voice.

"It's not my fault. It just happened. I'm sorry."

He smacked his teeth, "And why did y'all break up fa ? He was cheatin' on ya ? Or he got a bitch pregnant ? "

"Dad ! "

"What ? "

"Your language. If mom had heard you, you would be in trouble by now."

He shrugged, "But she ain't here, so." He fanned her off making her chuckle, "Anyways, what happened between ya and your little boyfriend ? "

"I deserved better." She simply answered. He didn't need to know everything in details.

He looked at her suspiciously, "What did he do ? "

"Oh...uh...He wasn't paying me attention like I wanted to and girls were always around him and he kept entertaining them."

He smacked his lips, "See ! I warned ya. Now, ya'll listen to daddy, cause daddy knows what's best for his princess." He said smiling and pointing to himself with his two thumbs.

She nodded her head laughing slightly, "Yes, daddy is always right. I'm not dating until thirty years old."

"Nah, one hundred and ten. Or maybe two hundred and ninety years old. Yes, it's perfect."

She shook her head disagreeing with him, "It's way too much. I won't live two hundred years."

"Oh cause now ya can see in da future ? What's gon' happen tomorrow then ? I'm gon' win that lottery one day or what ? Tell me, princess."

She laughed, "You're a mess. How is mom dealing with you ? "

"She luhh me." He put a cocky grin on his face.

"You're something else. Thanks for lighting my day up though. I luhh ya."

"Ya mama and y'all better stop tryin' to be me. I luhh ya too. Gimmie a hug." She beamed and hugged him tightly, then kissed his cheek. She loved her father unconditionally. He was the best dad of the world to her eyes and she was really grateful to have him in her life, "Ya're growin' up way too fast. Ya're becomin' a young lady now." He sighed and stared at her for a couple of minutes seeing all the years passing before his eyes. One day she was just a newborn and now she was about to turn sixteen.

Fighting To Live, Living To Die. {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now