[ Chapter 32 : A Festival ]

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" There's going to be a comet festival tonight, would you like to go? " Talia asked and they seem to be heading down the other side of the hallway.

" It's just falling rocks from the sky what is so interesting about that, I rather be practicing my singing " Paige said.

I bet she sounds like a turkey.

" It's a festival, half of the city is going out to see them, and if your lucky, there might be a man you would be interested in " Talia said.

" Ugh, mother please, the last thing I want is to get married with the man I love " Paige said.

" Your still clinging onto that promise he made? " Talia chuckles and their voices starting to get more faded as they go further.

" Of course, we were friends after all and he promised to. . . . " I couldn't hear what's next and they disappeared into a corner.

" You married?, I doubt it " I said.

" What are we looking at? "

I gasp and turn around to see Celeste.

" Don't sneak up on me like that! " I exclaim and she chuckles.

" I apologize, I just saw you peeking and curiosity took over " she said.

" It was nothing " I said.

" Seems like you have a new friend there " she gestures to Nana.

" Oh, this is Nana, I just got her from a friend " I said.

" Awe, how adorable " she said as she pet her.

" Meow "

I notice her in a fancy dress and seem to be ready to head out.

" Where are you going? " I asked.

" Oh, Declan and I are going to be out for a date the entire day and we're planning to see the comet tonight " she said.

" A date? " I asked, she nods.

" I supposed he planned it before our engagement ceremony, and look at this beautiful bracelet he got me " she gestures to her wrist.

It's the one he showed me.

" Do you mind if I come along? " I asked.

" Sure, why not?, Are you going on a date too? " She asked, I scoff and pet Nana.

" As if, a friend invite me for the festival too " I said.

" Alright, why don't you get ready then?, We're leaving in an hour "

~ Time Skip ~

" Don't get in trouble please " Declan said.

" I know, now go away to your date " I said and Celeste chuckles while the love birds walk away hand in hand.

I turn around and look up at the sign of this building where through the window I can already see cats.

" Cat's café " I read then push the door open as a bell chimes.

" Meow! "

Immediately four cats just swarm at me and I gasp when one white furred is circling around me and rubbing his body against my boots, I giggle.

" Hello everybody " I said.

" Y/n, over here! " I look around and see Lumina carrying a calico kitten in her arm while the other is waving for me.

I smile and walk around the place trying to not kick a cat on my way to the table where Lumina is, she's with Laurence, Rowena and Travis.

" Hey guys " I said and take a seat next to Rowena.

" Ugh, it's been like what?, Three weeks?, I miss you already " Rowena clings onto my arm, I look at her in confusion.

" Are you alright? " I asked.

" We're all pretty worn out from the early events of our families " Lumina said.

" Rowena had to attend dancing classes today before she arrived " she said.

" Oh " I said and see her other hand is petting a brown tabby cat.

" I'm drained " Rowena said.

" I had to take care of my father " Laurence said.

" I ended up helping my mom with her work " Lumina said.

" Well my family has been throwing events one after another " Travis said.

" I got drama on my own, did you know that my aunt Talia is from house Vaitla? " I asked, she lifts her head to me.

" Aunt Talia? " She asked, I nodded.

" Well I haven't heard that name in a while " she said.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" She's my mom's sister, they're both technically alike and she got married to a man from house L/n " her face went to realization.

" Well that's unexpected " she said.

" I thought as much, the first day I was there she couldn't wait to push me around, I got a blister " I said.

" My aunt Talia is basically a bitch too, I remember the times where she would always try to get me in trouble " Rowena said.

" Sounds about right " I said.

" Why don't we change the subject, I mean this is the first time we've seen each other in three weeks, and talking about family drama is going to be the death of me " Lumina said as she pet the calico cat.

" I don't know about you but so far I've heard that Y/n M/n Lycan shot fame to Maelia city with her painting that she gifted to Madam L/n " Laurence said, I turn to him all flustered.

" You heard about that? " I asked.

" Heard?, It was all around the city for a week or something " Rowena said and a grey cat jumps on the table.

I pet the cat and nervously laugh.

" Other than that, I met my brothers, and the oldest just got engaged last night " I said.

" There was an engagement party? " Rowena asked, I nodded.

" I should've gone there, we were literally invited " Rowena said.

" It's alright but hey we're all here now " I said.

" So who found this café? " I asked as I pick up the grey cat and put her on my lap.

" I go to this café every weekend to see the cats, the owner is a cat person and all of them are rescues " Lumina said.

" Rescue cats? " I asked, she nods.

" Anyways, I'm going to order us some drinks, anyone want anything? " Laurence asked.

" I'm just here for the cats " Lumina said.

" I'll have that fruit juice that we had on the trip with your mom " I said.

" Okay, anyone else? " He asked as he get up.

" I already ordered mine " Travis said.

" I'm good " Rowena said.

Laurence walk away to the counter where there's a lady and I smile as I pet the cat on my lap.

Was thinking of naming the cat KitKat.



~ Mariko

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ