"I know Zass, I'm just never going to be able to pull it off." He said.

"Don't sell yourself short Scotty." I said, practically drooling as he slipped it over his head, "It looks fabulous."

The mesh was practically non-existent in the front, basically a couple of pieces held together with straps around his bare pecs. But it was the back that was important. All going to plan he'd never have to reveal the new additions on his back. The shirt hid them perfectly, but was made with handy studs that allowed the back leather panel to be removed, leaving four straps and some metal rings the only thing left on the wearer. With a clip release in front, Scott could remove the entire thing with one motion, even with the wings. I got him to practice taking it off and his smile grew wider the more my gaze was captured by his beautiful chest.

"You'll make me blush again Zass." He chuckled.

I flashed my ice blue eyes at him, and then the fang that had descended. "If we get out of this thing in one piece, I'm going to enjoy taking that off you tonight Love." I said grinning.

Scott laughed throatily and flashed his own smile at me before grabbing a jacket for the car and his shoulder harness for his gun. My own harness for my swords was already strapped on and I had included the various knives I liked to carry including my favourite stiletto which was coated in sterling silver. Lethal to many breeds of Supernaturals, silver was a definite bonus when going up against Weres. We all got in the SUV and headed towards the Den. I sent off a message to Megaera to let her know we were about to go to work on freeing her sister and to Thanos to let him know to move into position around the perimeter. He wouldn't come in unless he saw my signal. We made the short ride to the compound in silence. When we got there and hopped out of the car, Dimity held back, apprehension showing on all of our faces. I pulled Scott's face down to my own and kissed him quickly, before turning to Dimity and saying, "Ready?"

At her nod, we approached the door and went inside.

When we got to the bar, we were met by Nero who made us remove our obvious weaponry. When he was satisfied that we were unarmed, he led us into the lounge of the Clubhouse and we saw Sebastian lounging on a couch with two really young looking girls. Lynx was standing to the rear, rubbing Iris's arm and tugging on the chain that led to the collar around her neck. Iris looked entreatingly at us and I understood that she wanted a way out too. It didn't surprise me, a psychotic Dominatrix was one thing, Lynx and that twisted bastard on the couch would be more than most could handle. Also it wouldn't surprise me if Lynx liked to share her toys. Iris was sporting more than one obvious bruise and a split lip. I wondered which monster was responsible for those injuries. I nodded slightly in her direction and promised myself that if I got out of this mess, I'd free her too. If push came to shove and she saw us as an escape from her current position, she'd be more inclined to help us if she could.

The woman behind Sebastian stepped forward, her lithe movements reminding me of the first time I had seen her in Vienna. I flashed back to the first time I had seen her and the immediate desire she had elicited. Then Scott touched my arm and I remembered our last meeting, the taunts, the horror and my desire to take her life. I squeezed his hand in thanks and focused on our mission, keeping my face carefully blank as she moved closer.

"Hello Mika." She said with a sly grin before stepping forward and examining Scott. If she was waiting for a negative reaction to the name, she was in for a rude surprise. Scott had already seen the beast and survived. But he played along, making her smile as he tipped his head to the side and said with mild surprise in his voice, "Mika?"

"That's a name I haven't heard spoken in over 400 years, Lesedi." I said, reminding her that I knew her real name too.

She winced slightly at my inflection of her name. I guessed she was remembering better times for a while, but she turned her face down after a second and said, "Lynx is my name now Zass. I'll never be Lesedi again."

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