Clip Show: Final Part

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Your phone rings this time, and you answer it without looking to see who it is.

"You son of a bitch. What the hell are you doing, Crowley?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm killing everyone you've ever saved--the damsels in distress, the innocent whippersnappers, the would-be vampire chow--all of them."

"How do you even know where they are?"

"I have my sources and a cracking research team. When you three hit a town, you tend to leave a mess. Now, you're probably wondering why my droogs aren't in there giving you the bum's rush, so let's brass these tacks, shall we? I'm gonna gut one person every twelve hours until you bring me the Demon Tablet and stop this whole trial nonsense."

"We don't have the tablet. Kevin took it and--"

"I took Kevin, then someone took him back. Word from the cloud is that it wasn't Heaven. So either the cutest little Prophet in the world is with you three lads, or you better find him because time, she is a-wasting. About now, you're thinking of ways to stop me. You won't be able to, but you'll try because that's what you do. So, time for an object lesson. Indianapolis, the Ivy Motel, room 116. You have fifty-seven minutes."

Crowley hangs up, and you turn to the brothers with a pale face. You explain everything that just happened, and that's enough to rush back onto the road.

You're not sure who is inside room 116, but when she opens the door, you get a flashback to when you helped her back in New York.

"I'm just glad this whole thing is over. I never liked Upstate New York." You said.

"I guess this means you're leaving." Sarah said sadly, looking at Sam. The air started to thicken up with awkwardness and you looked between Sam and Sarah, nodding.

"Okay then, Dean, why don't we wait by the car." You smiled to Sarah, putting a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean's shoulders slumped but followed your instruction anyways.

"I'm the one that burned the doll and destroyed the spirit, but don't thank me or anything." Dean grumbled as you walked with him.

"Mmm, I'll thank you." You said seductively, leaning up to his ear and nibbling on it. He growled and pushed you against the car, kissing you. You pulled away and looked into his eyes that sparkled with love. You turned around and leaned into his body, your back to his front and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You held onto his strong arms, watching Sam and Sarah say goodbye.

Sarah closed the door of the auction house while Sam was outside. You guess Sam never made a move. You knew he wanted to and he should. You smiled widely when Sam walked back to the door and knocked. The door opened to reveal a smiling Sarah and she leaned up just as Sam leaned down and their lips met.

"That's my boy." Dean muttered with a smile. Sam deserved to be happy and in that moment, you knew he was.

Sarah is glad to see you three after being years apart, but as soon as you explain what's going on, she becomes grim.

"So a demon named Crowley is gonna kill me in sixteen minutes."

"No, he's not. I'm not going to let it happen. My powers are stronger than ever. You won't die, but that won't stop him from trying."

"What are you doing in Indiana?" Dean asks, trying to get her mind off things.

"I was scouting an estate sale for my dad."

"Look, we're gonna put Devil's Traps everywhere. We've got holy water, an exorcism ready to play on a loop, and anything that comes through that door is dead. Look, I know this is insane, but insane is kind of what we do. We'll keep you safe," Sam promises.

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