Hunteri Heroici: Final Part

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Dean pulls up next to the bank in the alley so that if the doctor is to leave, he won't see the car. Zeus is back in the motel room, so you don't have to worry about bringing him along. The only person you're worried about is Joanna since you can't leave her alone.

"Jones has got to be close. Y/N and I will hit the bank. You two see if you can find him," Dean instructs.

"Sam, can you take Joanna? I don't trust him with her."

"Yeah, sure."

"Go to your uncle, sweetie."

Joanna runs up to Sam who scoops her up in his arms since it's easier than holding her hand. You four break off and you follow Dean to the side of the building where you see a black hole that the doctor must have drawn himself. Dean lifts a hand and tentatively reaches out to it. His fingers penetrate the wall which means the hole still works.

"This is so awesome," Dean grins.

"Just go through it. Come on."

Dean is the first one in, and you step through the circle and into Dean's arms as he helps you through it. The both of you are now inside the bank, and you can hear the doctor rummaging through the safety deposit boxes in the vault. Dean treads first, keeping you safely behind him. You peek inside the vault and see the doctor remove a safety deposit box via a small black hole he drew.

There are many other safety boxes that have the black hole which means he stole from those as well. Dr. Mahoney sets the deposit box down on the table next to an open bag containing jewlery and cash. He opens the box and adds more cash to the bag. Dean walks in and takes out his gun, pointing it right at the doctor's head.

"What's up, Doc?" Dean says Bugs Bunny's famous line.

Dr. Mahoney looks at Dean and then at you, and your eyes glow blue to show that you mean business.

"If you let me walk, half of this is yours."

"I think I'm gonna pass. I'm not really into stealing from sweet old ladies."

"What he said," you state.

"I'm not stealing from them. I'm stealing from their children. Little bastards think they can drop their folks off at a home and visit twice a year, maybe. I took care of all these old geezers. I think I deserve--"

"That is the dumbest reason I have ever heard of. You're a shitty villain, you know that?" you say.

"Fine. Have it your way."

Dean lowers his gun a few inches, and Dr. Mahoney takes this opportunity to attack. He flings papers at Dean to stun him, and he shoves Dean against the lockers. You're still at the door, so if he wants to escape, he has to go through you. You raise your hand to use your magic on him, but the only thing that comes out is blue swirls and cartoonish.

Dr. Mahoney grabs the duffel bag and rushes at you, expecting you to move. When he shows no sign of slowing down, you jump out of the way before he can plummet you to the ground. You rush over to Dean and help him up, and he grabs his gun and races after the Doctor. He points his gun at him and shoots, but a red and yellow flag with "BANG" written on it pops out of the barrel.

"Welcome to the funhouse," Dr. Mahoney grins.

You try your magic again, but this time, you don't use it on the doctor. You see the chairs by desks, and you use your magic to lift them in the air. You pull them to the doctor in hopes it will at least hurt him. They smash into the side of his face, and the metal bends to the outline of the bones in his face. He wobbles in his steps from the impact, and Dean uses this as his opportunity.

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