Bitten: Part Four

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The video cuts to the next day, and Kate and Michael were outside the coroner's office where you and Dean were.

"I can't hear them," Kate hissed.

"Seriously, Kate, what are we doing?"

"What are we doing? Seriously?" she scoffed.

She moved in closer where you and Dean were talking to the coroner.

"Cut marks on both vics are clean but have the curvature of animal claws. I don't know. I mean, maybe there's a wild animal on the loose? Biggest animal in the county is a raccoon."

"Thank you for your time," you smiled.

"You bet."

The coroner walked off, leaving you and Dean alone.

"Well, that was a bust." Sam approached you since he was done with his task. He's the one who has Joanna since she wanted to spend time with her uncle. "Hey Sammy."

"So, what did I miss? Anything?"

"Not unless you want to put an A.P.B. out on Rocky Raccoon."

"Great. Um, the local police files are not online, so I had to dig through the county records. Ten years ago, there was a similar unsolved murder. Check it out."

Sam handed Dean the files he acquired.

"Death by claws and, uh, lack of heart? So we're talking a--"

"No, not that time of the month," Sam interrupted his brother.

"Awesome. Time to hit the books and feed the monster," Dean grinned, clapping his stomach.

"Yeah, I second that," you chuckled.

"He's kind of hot," Kate whispered to Michael, watching as you three leave.

"It doesn't seem to matter what age they are. You attract all the ladies," you grin and turn to your husband. "You're a DILF."

Dean smirks and gives you a side glance, but he doesn't comment on it.

"Really?" Sam groans.

"You can be a DILF, Sam. Hell, you practically help raise Joanna."

"You're calling me a DILF?" he asks and looks at you.

"Do you not want me to?"

"Can we get back to the movie, please?" Dean interrupts, but you don't think he did it because he was jealous.

The film cuts to outside of a diner that you and the brothers were in. Kate and Michael must have followed you three to get some answers.

"They know something. We have to figure out what it is."

"Why can't we just ask them?" Michael sighed.

"They are looking for the thing that killed Scott, and I'm pretty sure they aren't the talking type."

The bushes next to the couple rustled, and Brian stepped out of it.

"How'd you find us?"

"GPS in your phones. Duh."

"You know, you're starting to creep me out, man."

"The feeling's mutual, dude."

"What else can you hack into, Brian?" Kate asked.


The film cuts to a black and white footage of you, Sam, Dean, and Joanna sitting at a table reading notes and a journal. These fucking kids hacked into the security cameras inside the diner.

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