Citizen Fang: Final Part

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You and Dean part ways from Benny and head back to Martin's place. Both of them have been eagerly waiting for your arrival, but they aren't too happy with the story you've come up with. Joanna is sleeping in the portable car seat you brought up with her just in case she wanted to sleep and there wasn't anywhere she could lay down on. Zeus is lying down by her side as calm as can be.

"Let me get this straight," Martin begins with a small glass of alcohol in his hand. "I follow your boy down a fucking path and trip over fresh vamp kill, and then you practically catch him in the act of burying a second body, and you're still taking his side?"

"Martin, vampire's pick people from the outskirts of town, okay? They don't kill people in the cafés they work in, especially with their great-granddaughter there. Sam, come on," you beg, but it's like he's already made up his mind.

"Listen, Y/N, we came here on a dead body. You two asked for some time, and now there's another dead body. Are we just going on trust here?"

"Yes," you and Dean say at the same time.

"We've killed for a lot less, and you know how these things turn out for us."

"Yes, I do--too well. In fact, every relationship I have ever had has gone to shit at some point."

"Hey!" you say and look at him.

"Not you," he quickly says, and you smile shyly. "The one thing I can say about Benny is that he has never let me or Y/N down."

"Well, good on you, Dean," Sam says coldly. "It must feel great finally finding someone you can trust after all these years."

"All I'm saying is that Benny is innocent."

"No, you two are too close to this," Sam determines.

"Sam, why don't you trust us?"

"Why don't you trust me?" he asks, stepping closer to you.

"You weren't there, Sam. You don't know."

"Yeah, and you've made it clear to put that in my face every chance you get."

"You're not gonna find him," Dean says, "and if you do, you'll be lucky to get out alive." He turns to Martin who is standing behind Dean. "And if you go with him, you're a dead man. Period."

"These are innocent lives we're talking about, Dean!" Sam shouts quietly as to not wake Joanna. "You're willing to risk that on Benny's word alone?"

"Damn right I am."

Martin looks at Sam and nods once before clocks Dean in the head with the butt of the knife in his hand. Dean crumbles to the ground, and you turn to Martin with fire in your eyes. Before you have a chance to do any damage to him, Sam pulls you in close and sticks something in your neck.

You gasp and look behind you to see Sam holding a syringe. Your eyes hold the look of betrayal in them before they roll to the back of your head. Instead of falling to the ground, Sam catches you in his arms and lays you gently on the bed. Zeus stands up and walks over to you, but Sam grabs his collar and places him inside the bathroom, which he locks.

Sam did the research and he found a tranquilizer drug that when used in small amounts, like he did, is safe for pregnant women. It's to help them sleep, but it's necessary for him and Martin to do the job without interference from you and Dean. Martin grabs his handcuffs and handcuffs Dean to the radiator just in case he wakes up early.

Sam is going to pay for this later on, but it's necessary to save the life of innocents. He and Martin gather their things and leave the room to do the job you and Dean refuse to do.

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