A Little Slice of Kevin: Part Two

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You and Dean both sit up in bed, but as soon as you blink, he is gone. Just like that, you and Dean are out of bed and looking out the window to see if you can't see Castiel lingering outside. It's like Sam can feel when you're both distressed about something because he wakes up and looks at you two with tired eyes.

"Dean? Y/N? What's going on? Are you two alright?

"I don't know. We just saw something."

"Saw what?"

"Castiel," you state.

"Cas? Where?"

"He was right outside. He was on the side of the road earlier. Dean and I are seeing him."

"That's not possible. I mean, you said it yourself. You two made it out and he didn't, right?"

"I tried so damn hard to get us the hell out of there," Dean says sadly, turning away from the window.

"I know you did."

"You know, I could have pulled him out. I just don't understand why he didn't try harder."

"Dean, you did everything you could."

"Then why do I feel like shit?"

"Survivor's guilt? If you let it, this is gonna keep messing with you. You got to walk past it."

"You were trained to take sadness and turn it into guilt, Dean. This is just who you are," you state.

Sam gets back into bed, and you look at Joanna who is sleeping like a log. You sigh and kiss Dean's cheek before going to bed yourself. You're exhausted, and you feel yourself slipping into the darkness as soon as your eyes close. Right before you could go to sleep, you remember Purgatory and what it was like for you over there.

You, Benny, Dean, and Castiel are walking through the forest of Purgatory, trying to make your way to the portal only Benny seems to know about.

"We're getting close."

"Really? I don't see shit. I mean, what the hell is this escape hatch supposed to look like?" Dean groans.

"He doesn't know," Castiel answers.

"Hey, you just drug me into the fire. Please tell me you know," Dean begs his friend.

"It's here. They promised."

"Oh, they? Well, that's comforting," he scoffs.

"Even if it does exist, it's a human portal. There's still no proof that an angel can pass--"

"Stop, Castiel, you're coming with us. We're not leaving you behind."

"I'm just saying," he puts a hand on yours and Dean's shoulder, "if it doesn't work, thank you for everything."

"Save the Hallmark. Okay? It's gonna work. Nobody gets left behind," Dean rolls his eyes and walks off.

The three of you follow Dean further into the forest. You're pregnant, so you really hope that you're not walking into your deaths. That would really suck.

"Maybe you were lied to. Maybe there is no seam," Castiel says after a few more moments of silence.

"I lie. I don't get lied to. Aren't you guys all about faith?"

"Not particularly."

You come across a clearing where the wind picks up a bit. Up on top of a cliff is a patch of blue light that shimmers and changes shape. If a portal were to exist, it would be this.

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