Man's Best Friend with Benefits: Part One

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Warnings: stillborn, baby in dies in womb, trauma associated with that, explicit (minor) talk of baby dying, heartbreak, really heavy angst


"Help me, please! It's my wife!" Dean yells as he barges through the doors of the hospital.

The nurses drop what they're doing to help Dean, wheeling over a portable hospital bed to set you down on. Joanna is in Sam's arms with no clue what is going on, Sam is trying not to panic and freak out his niece, but Dean is a complete mess. He has tears rolling down his face, his hands are shaking, and his heart is racing a million miles a second.

"Sir, we need you to calm down. What happened?" one of the nurses asks him.

"Please help her. She can't die. She fell down and she won't wake up."

A couple of doctors aid the nurses in wheeling you into a room to assess the damages without Dean present. Two nurses hold Sam and Dean back, and he watches as you disappear into the examination room with a bunch of nurses and doctors.

"Sir, could you please tell me what happened?"

"I'm not sure. My daughter said she fell. She was just doing laundry. I don't know how she fell. Please save her. She's pregnant with twins," Dean begs.

"I can assure you that the doctors are going to do everything they possibly can to save all three of them. Please, let's get you checked in, and we will be able to move forward from there."

Sam waits in the waiting room with Joanna while Dean checks in, and once he's finished, he joins Sam. Dean rests his elbows on his thighs, puts his head in the palms of his hands, and just cries. Sam has never seen his brother like this before. He knows how much Dean loves you and his children, but this is just heartbreaking.

"I can't lose her, Sam," Dean sniffles. "I can't lose any of them."

"Let's just wait until the doctor comes out. She's going to be just fine. She's the Sapphire Witch. She'll be just fine."

"Shit, I forgot about James." James is a cop that asked Sam and Dean for help on a case. He didn't leave a detailed message, but if he asked Sam and Dean for help, it has to be monster related. "I can't go, Sammy."

"We'll figure it out."

Joanna fusses and begins to cry. She hasn't eaten anything since you got home from the previous case, and she is getting cranky. All of her toys and snacks are in the Impala, giving Dean the opportunity to escape the hospital even for a little bit.

"Her stuff is in the car," Dean sniffles and grabs his daughter from Sam. Both Sam and Dean get up and leave the hospital to head to the car. "I can't believe this is happening right now."

"Are we calling James, then?"

"No, not right now. I have to know what is wrong with Y/N before we do anything."

Dean opens the back door of the car and sets Joanna on the ground before getting her bag that has all of her toys and snacks in it. He doesn't know how long he's going to be staying here, so he wants to be prepared for anything.

"I wonder what he wanted. We owe him for saving our asses."

Dean shuts the door just as a Doberman dog runs up to Sam and jumps on him.

"It's a puppy!" Joanna grins.

"She has no tags. I wonder where her owners are."

The dog jumps back down and before their very eyes, the dog transforms into a slender dark-skinned woman with a red collar around her neck. Sam and Dean jump back as Dean grabs his daughter to protect her and Sam unsheathes his knife.

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