Blood Brother: Part Two

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"I'm coming with," you say after Benny tells you what exactly is going on.

"I don't think that's wise," Benny says before Dean can say something. "I can hear both heartbeats pretty clearly. The other vampires will hear them from a mile away."

"I can fix that." Your hands glow with blue magic, and you place them both on your growing belly, letting your skin absorb the magic. "Can you hear them now?" Benny listens for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Good. I've cloaked the sound. These vampires won't hear them, and we'll be in the clear. You'll need a witch on your team. I have a feeling."

"Alright then. Let's go. Boat's waiting."


"Yeah we're going to an island."

Benny takes you and Dean down to the docks where a small sailboat is waiting. You get onto the boat with Dean's help, and the two men take the rope off before jumping inside.

"Well, it's good to know you two are still dumb as ever."

"Yeah, well, some things never change. Now, why are you getting into machete fights with your own kind?"

"Quentin, the one I came for? We were in the same nest. I'm hunting the vampire who turned me, my maker."

"Well, now, don't get me wrong. I'm down with hunting, but, uh... why?"

"To kill him before he kills me... again." You groan and lean back, putting one hand on your stomach. This is the part in your pregnancy where you're uncomfortable with everything. "Are you sure you should be hunting?"

"I'll be fine, Benny."



"I didn't say anything."

You must have read his thoughts. This has been a pain in your ass ever since you discovered it. You can hear people's thoughts all the time, but you've ignored almost all of them. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish who is actually speaking and who is thinking.

"Oh yeah, she can read minds now. I thought you knew that."

"Not really."

"I appreciate your concern, Benny, I really do. I fought plenty of angels and demons with a baby in my womb, and I fought Leviathans with the same baby on my hip. I can fight a few vampires easily."

"I trust her to take a step back if she knows she'll end up doing more damage than good," Dean backs you up. "I think it's batshit crazy, but I trust her."

"And that's why he married me." That's not the reason why he married you, but you're just going with the flow with the witty banter. "So, tell us about Quinten."

"Quentin and I go way back. He's one of the old man's favorites, next to me, it turns out. Check this out."

Benny takes out a notebook from his bag and hands it over to Dean. This is everything he has on Quinten and his maker, Sorento. Dean takes the notebook and flips through the pages, stopping on one of importance.

"Listen to this. 'Age of Aquarius II, 0800', and then there's some other numbers all crossed out. Some other weird names here, too: the Big Mermaid and Solitaire. They're all crossed out, except this one: the Lucky Myra."

"Yachts. Names of yachts: Lucky Myra and Age of Aquarius II." Benny takes back the notebook and shows Dean another one. "Look at this one: Sea You Later, spelled S-E-A. I mean, come on."

"Are those launch times?" you wonder. "Destinations?"

"Mm-hmm. Except none of them ever get there. The Lucky Myra left yesterday afternoon. I guarantee you it's already been hit."

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