Torn and Frayed: Final Part

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You and the brothers head closer to the factory without alerting any of the demons you're there. The demons that are huddled around the forty-four gallon steel drum are one the wiser, and you pop your head around the corner to look at them. You whistle to get their attention and hide once again so they have to go investigate. Two of them leave the steel drum and head over to the corner of the building. When they turn the corner and see you and the brothers, your eyes shine bright blue.

You place both hands on both their foreheads, letting your magic shine through them like Castiel's grace does when he smites someone. Both demons drop to the ground, dead, and you search their pockets for a keycard that would access one of the doors. You grab it and toss it to Dean who tries to use it on a nearby door. You peek around the corner to see the third demon come over when his friends didn't return.

You blow out of your mouth slowly, letting a string of magic leave your mouth as you blow. The magic flies straight to the demon and wraps around his neck. It gets tighter and tighter until it seeps into his skin. Just like the other two, he is killed as if he was being smited or killed with the demon knife.

Dean opens the side door, and you and Sam follow him inside. You walk through the dark factory, using your magic to light your way. There are symbols painted all over the wall, but you find the one that Castiel told you to look out for. When you see it, Sam removes a spray paint can to draw a circle with a line through it to cancel out the effect.

This is where you have to split up. There are three more sides to cover and three people. Sam goes off on his own without another word, and you turn to Dean.

"I'm going to be okay, Dean. I promise. Once Castiel is in, I take Joanna and I leave."

"Okay. I believe you."

You kiss him before leaving his side to go off on your own. The further you head into the factory, the more you can hear Samandriel's screams for help. Sam covered the north side when you first entered the building and went west, so he must be covering that side. You and Dean headed East so you can get the south side and he can get the east.

As you're approaching the south side, you hear someone walking down the hallway towards you. You look around the corner to see a demon coming your way. The more you get rid of demons, the less that can tattle on Crowley that you're here.

Your magic forms a sword in your hand that you will use on the demon. You wait for him to come closer until he is right by the corner. You step out into the light and shove the magical sword into his abdomen. You smile up at him as the light inside of him dies. You let him drop to the ground, and your sword mists away.

You rush over to the symbol on the wall and use your magic to crack the walls to counteract the symbol's power. With your job done, you head in the direction of Samandriel's screams. You don't think twice about running into an open room, which is your first mistake. There are four demons who turn to you with their eyes black.

They start to advance towards you with evil in their eyes. You freeze up not knowing what to do when Sam and Dean enter the room you're in. They take those demon bombs and toss it at the demons in wait. Three seconds go by and the bombs explode, and you put up a forcefield to protect yourself from the blast. When you lower it, the demons have turned to dust.

"Are you okay?" Dean asks and rushes over to you.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Samandriel's screams get louder, and you three head over to the room you know he is in. There is one more symbol on the door, and Sam uses the spray paint to cover the symbol before tossing it to the side.

"Come on, Cas, anytime now."

Castiel appears with Joanna but he looks to be in pain. You quickly take Joanna in your arms, and this is where you end your journey.

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