Man's Best Friend with Benefits: Part Two

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Warnings: stillborn, baby in dies in womb, trauma associated with that, explicit (minor) talk of baby dying, heartbreak, really heavy angst


The first thing that the doctors want to tackle is your brain bleed because if you don't make it, then the babies won't have a fighting chance. The on-call pediatric surgeon, Dr. Robbins, is in the OR monitoring the babies' heartbeats, and she gives the okay for the neurosurgeon, Dr. Shepherd, to begin.

After being prepped, the Dr. Shepherd exposes your brain to where the bleed was located. He grabs his tools and begins his work, frowning when he gets a good look at the damage.

"This is weird," he mutters.

"What is it, doctor?" one of the scrub nurses asks.

"I see blood, but not as much as there was in the CT scan."

"That's a good thing, right?"

"She's healing, but at a rapid rate."

The doctor definitely has questions, but all he is focused on is fixing you up so that when you do wake up, he can talk to you about this. Your magic heals you of the damage, even as the doctor patches you up with collagen sutures. Dr. Shepherd is working quickly to get you patched up that he doesn't really notice how your brain is mending back together like magic.

"Okay, Doctor Robbins, you're good to go."

"Alright, let's get these babies out quickly but safely."

The PEDs surgeon makes an incision on the lower side of your abdomen, and then she makes an incision on your uterus wall on the same spot so the delivery is as smooth as possible. Baby A, or Maryann, is head first towards your pelvic which she is in the perfect position if you were to give birth to her naturally.

Dr. Robbins gently lifts Maryann out of the womb, and as soon as she breaches the surface, she takes in a lungful of air. She lets out a loud cry which is the best possible sign that her lungs are good for being born two months early. Dr. Robbins holds her while one of the scrub nurses cut the umbilical cord to separate her from the womb.

Dr. Robbins brings Maryann over to the small incubator that she will be living in for the next two months so the doctors can monitor her closely.

"Clean her up and bring her to the NICU. I will be up as soon as possible."

"Yes, doctor."

Maryann is taken away, and Dr. Robbins turns to you to remove the other baby, Robert. She reaches inside your womb and grabs Robert, immediately feeling something wrong. Something isn't right. She removes Robert, but he isn't as loud as his sister. In fact, he isn't making any noise. Babies don't always scream right as they come out, but Dr. Robbins knows he won't ever get the chance to scream.

Robert is pale, too pale for her liking. He is limp in her grasp, and the umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck. Likely due to the fall you suffered, the umbilical cord wrapped itself around his neck. Robert never had a fighting chance at life. This is a freak accident, but that doesn't make it any less sad.

"Is he going to be okay?" one of the scrub nurses.

"Unfortunately not," Dr. Robbins sighs. She calls the time of death for your son, and the entire OR is silent for your loss. "Let's get Y/N cleaned up. Does she have someone with her?"

"She has a husband. I'll be informing him," Dr. Shepherd sighs.

You're stitched back together, and when you're redressed in the hospital garment, your magic works well to heal you so that no scar will be left after this. You're taken to your own private hospital room while Dr. Shepherd prepares himself for the talk he is going to have with Dean. It's not going to be fun, and it's going to end in tears, but it's something that he won't be able to sugarcoat.

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